Ear, nose and throat presentations out of scope

​​Public outpatient services in NSW are generally not provided to patients presenting with these conditions.

On this page

Adult patients (aged 16 years or over)

Presenting condition Out of scop​e (not routinely provided) 
Aesthetic surgery Aesthetic surgery.
Chronic bilateral tinnitus Referral is not indicated unless tinnitus is disabling or associated with changes in hearing loss, aural fullness and/or discharge or vertigo.

Note: most suitable for outpatient audiological assessment.
Hearing aid dispensation Routine hearing aid dispensation.

Note: refer to audiologist directly. Audiologist may suggest referral to ENT specialist following assessment if concerned about medical clearance in preparation for hearing aids.
Mild or brief orthostatic dizziness Mild or brief orthostatic dizziness.
Simple ear drum perforation As part of acute otitis media.

Note: consider referral to ENT specialist if persistent perforation for > 3 months following resolution of infection.
Uncomplicated or chronic symmetrical hearing loss Routine hearing assessment (audiogram) not provided.

Note: refer to audiologist directly. Audiologist may suggest referral to ENT specialist following assessment.
Allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion or obstruction
  • Aesthetic concerns.
  • Allergic rhinitis responsive to intranasal corticosteroids.
  • Mild, acute rhinosinusitis.
Recurrent tonsillitis​
  • Patient is not willing to have surgical treatment.
  • Recurrent tonsillitis where episodes are fewer than described in Category 3 criteria, and no modifying factors are present.
Salivary gland disorders Nil out of scope criteria.
Sensorineural hearing loss Gradual, symmetrical hearing loss that remains aidable.

Note: consider referral to audiologist.
Thyroid mass
  • Low risk (< 1 cm) thyroid nodules, unless otherwise concerning features.
  • Non-bacterial thyroiditis.
  • Uniform, enlarged gland suggestive of thyroiditis without other symptoms.
Voice disorders Hoarseness with complete resolution between episodes, with no other red flag symptoms (see persistent hoarseness symptoms in Category 1).

Note: consider referral to speech pathologist.

Paediatric patients (aged 0 to 15 years)

Presenting condition Out of scope (not routinely provided)
Aesthetic surgery Aesthetic surgery.
Chronic bilateral tinnitus Referral is not indicated unless tinnitus is disabling or associated with changes in hearing loss, aural fullness and/or discharge or vertigo.

Note: most suitable for outpatient audiological assessment.
Hearing aid dispensation Routine hearing aid dispensation.

Note: refer to audiologist directly. Audiologist may suggest referral to ENT specialist following assessment if concerned about medical clearance in preparation for hearing aids.
Mild or brief orthostatic dizziness Mild or brief orthostatic dizziness.
Simple ear drum perforation As part of acute otitis media.

Note: consider referral to ENT specialist if persistent perforation for > 3 months following resolution of infection.
Uncomplicated or chronic symmetrical hearing loss Routine hearing assessment (audiogram) not provided.

Note: refer to audiologist directly. Audiologist may suggest referral to ENT specialist following assessment.
Allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion or obstruction Nil out of scope criteria.
Obstructive sleep apnoea or sleep disordered breathing Nil out of scope criteria.
Otitis media (with effusion and chronic or recurrent) Middle ear effusion in one ear for < 6 months or both ears for < 3 months.
Salivary gland disorders Nil out of scope criteria.
Recurrent tonsillitis
  • Enlarged tonsils with no recurrent tonsillitis as described in Category 2 and 3 criteria, and/or no evidence of obstructive sleep disordered breathing.
  • Recurrent tonsillitis where episodes are fewer than described in Category 2 and 3 criteria, and no modifying factors are present.
Sensorineural hearing loss Subjective hearing loss with normal audiogram.

Note: follow SWISH referral guidelines for hearing loss identified in neonates.
Voice disorders Nil out of scope criteria.

Current as at: Monday 17 June 2024
Contact page owner: System Purchasing