This page provides information for providers and frequently asked questions about the Oral Health Fee for Service Scheme (OHFFSS).
There are three types of dental voucher a patient may be issued depending on their dental needs. Practitioners can only accept certain voucher types as outlined in the table below:
Once you are approved to participate in the Scheme, you will be visible on the public list under the local health district(s) (LHDs) you are registered in.
The public list shows practitioners registered on the Scheme who are available to provide care to public patients.
The following information will be published on the list:
When a patient is issued a voucher, the LHD will make an appointment on behalf of the patient with a provider of their choice, or alternatively, patients will be given the public list for their area and advised to contact a practice to make an appointment.
The voucher will outline what type of dental care the patient requires and the maximum amount that can be claimed on the voucher.
Treatment must be provided in accordance with what is outlined on the voucher, the Schedule of Fees, and the conditions outlined in the OHFFSS Policy Directive.
If you have any questions or concerns about the treatment to be provided, or if the patient needs to be referred to the LHD for further care, please contact the referring LHD.
All practitioners must only provide treatment within their clinical scope of practice.
Dental therapists, oral health therapists and dental hygienists must outline their scope of practice when registering and must have an established referral pathway with a dentist who is registered on the Scheme within the same practice so if a patient requires treatment outside of their scope of practice they can be treated promptly.
After treatment has been completed, the patient must sign the voucher to verify the treatment has been provided and you must forward the voucher and any supporting documentation to the relevant LHD for payment.
If you wish to take leave from the Scheme, you must notify the relevant LHD. A leave notification can be submitted on the online administration system.
If you would like to withdraw from the Scheme, please contact the statewide OHFFSS coordinator on 1800 938 133.
For enquiries related to vouchers, please contact the OHFFSS coordinator in your LHD either via the Contact Us page on the online administration system, or using the contact details provided under the Health Districts page once you are logged into the system.
For general enquiries about the Scheme, please contact the statewide OHFFSS Coordinator on 1800 938 133 or email us.
The LHD may make an appointment on behalf of the patient with a provider of their choice, or alternatively, patients will be given the public list for their area and may contact you directly to make an appointment.
Practitioners will only display on the public list if they are approved on the Scheme and their mandatory requirements are current. Check your profile to see if you have any documents that are expired and ensure you update these.
Practitioners can set their profile to “private" on the online administration system so they will not show on the public list. Practitioners can choose to make their profile public again when they are ready.
All practitioners must only provide treatment within their clinical scope of practice. If a patient requires treatment outside of your clinical scope of practice, refer the patient back to the relevant LHD.
Dental therapists, oral health therapists, and dental hygienists must have an established referral pathway with a dentist in the same practice registered on the Scheme. Where appropriate, a dental therapist, oral health therapist, or dental hygienist can refer the patient to this dentist. Both practitioners must sign the voucher against the treatment that they provided.
Once treatment has been completed, the patient must sign the voucher to verify the treatment has been provided and you must forward the voucher and any supporting documentation to the relevant LHD for payment.
To receive payment, businesses must be registered as a NSW Health supplier. Once approved on the Scheme, the LHD will send you a link to register.
Providers are paid in accordance with the OHFFSS Schedule of Fees. This fee schedule is reviewed annually.
If a patient fails to attend a scheduled appointment, contact the patient to reschedule the appointment. If a patient fails to attend two consecutive appointments, or you are unable to contact the patient, please contact the referring LHD. You must not charge a patient if they fail to attend or cancel a scheduled appointment.
The online administration system manages business and practitioner registrations on the Scheme. User guides can be found on the Help page on the system.
Contact the LHD(s) you are registered in or the statewide OHFFSS coordinator on 1800 938 133.