Frequently asked questions about undergraduate nursing and midwifery clinical placement grants

When will I know if my application is successful?

You'll be emailed about the outcome of your application by the end of June 2025 for funding period 1 applications, and by the end of December 2025 for funding period 2 applications.

Please note that unexpected delays can occur.

How much money will I receive?

The amount of your grant is based on the distance between the GPO of your home University campus and the GPO of the clinical placement. You'll be emailed about this amount.

When will I receive my grant payment?

It may take up to five weeks from your confirmation email to process payments into your nominated bank account. Please note that there are sometimes unexpected delays.

Payments cannot be made into credit card accounts.

What can I use my grant funding for?

Your scholarship funding is for travel and accommodation costs directly associated with clinical placements done as part of your Bachelor of Nursing or Bachelor of Midwifery degree. The Health Education and Training Institute doesn't need receipts. However, you should keep these for taxation purposes.

What if I don't do the clinical placement?

If you don't do your clinical placement, you need to tell the Health Education and Training Institute in writing within seven days and you'll have to pay back the grant in full.

Do I have to pay income tax on the placement grants?

No withholding tax will be deducted.

Please seek independent taxation advice regarding your personal circumstances.

Will I be liable for Fringe Benefits Tax?

An FBT issue arises if you're an employee in the public health system and receive funding from the Health Education and Training Institute.

Please seek independent taxation advice regarding your personal circumstances.

Current as at: Wednesday 5 February 2025
Contact page owner: Nursing and Midwifery