NSW has reported no new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 in the 24 hours to 8pm last night.
Three cases were reported in overseas travellers in hotel quarantine, bringing the total number of cases in NSW to 4,273.
Confirmed cases (including interstate residents in NSW health care facilities) | 4,273 |
Deaths (in NSW from confirmed cases) | 55 |
Total tests carried out | 3,167,317 |
There were 13,721 tests reported to 8pm last night, compared with 14,697 in the previous 24 hours.
Of the three new cases to 8pm last night, all were acquired overseas and are now in hotel quarantine.
NSW Health is treating 63 COVID-19 cases. One patient is in intensive care and does not require ventilation. Ninety-five per cent of cases being treated by NSW Health are in non-acute, out-of-hospital care.
NSW Health thanks the community for coming forward to get tested. We continue to urge anyone with even the mildest of symptoms to seek testing immediately, then remain in isolation until a negative result is received.
The source of the recent cases in Moss Vale remains under investigation. Due to these and other recent cases, in line with previous advice the call for testing continues to apply particularly to people in South Western Sydney, including in and around the communities of Leppington, Hoxton Park and Prestons; and to people in the Southern Highlands region, including the communities in and around Moss Vale, Mittagong and Bowral. Extra testing capacity has been made available in these regions.
The process of becoming infected and infecting others often occurs silently, invisibly, and inadvertently. It is evident that the virus has an ability to readily spread from person to person. Some who are infected with the virus may not be aware that they have the infection, where symptoms are mild or not present at all. To ensure we can continue to control the spread of the virus, it is most important to step forward for testing if there is any concern at all that you may have been exposed or may have symptoms.
Social and community gatherings are expected to increase during the upcoming holiday period and it is very likely COVID-19 will continue to circulate in the community, including among people with mild or no symptoms.
It is important we all continue to take advantage of outdoor venues and maintain the COVID-safe practices we have become used to, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask in places where you can’t distance from others, and practising good hand hygiene.
Contact tracing to contain the transmission of the virus depends on businesses having effective COVID Safety plans and customer sign-in processes. The recent cluster in south western Sydney highlights the importance of these measures, and we urge businesses and patrons to do their part.
To help stop the spread of COVID-19:
- If you are unwell, get tested and isolate right away – don’t delay.
- Wash your hands regularly. Take hand sanitiser with you when you go out.
- Keep your distance. Leave 1.5 metres between yourself and others.
- Wear a mask when using public transport, rideshares and taxis, and in shops, places of worship and other places where you can’t physically distance. When taking taxis or rideshares, commuters should also sit in the back.
There are more than 300 COVID-19 testing locations across NSW. To find your nearest clinic visit
COVID-19 testing clinics or contact your GP. Most people receive their test results within 24 hours.
Likely source of confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW
Overseas | 3 | 26 | 2,312 |
Interstate | 0 | 0 | 90 |
Locally acquired – contact of a confirmed case and/or in a known cluster | 0 | 9 | 1,474 |
Locally acquired – source not identified | 0 | 1 | 397 |
Note: Case counts reported for a particular day may vary over time due to ongoing investigations and case review.
*notified from 8pm on 6 November 2020 to 8pm 7 November 2020
**from 8pm 1 November 2020 to 8pm 7 November 2020
Returned travellers in hotel quarantine to date
Symptomatic travellers tested | 6,591 |
Found positive | 150 |
Asymptomatic travellers screened at day 2 | 43,675 |
Found positive | 239 |
Asymptomatic travellers screened at day 10 | 55,753 |
Found positive | 139 |
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