Moruya midwives offer continuity of care for women in Eurobodalla

04 March 2024

​Pregnant women in Eurobodalla now have access to a new Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) model of care at Moruya Hospital, offering continuity and personalised care to women in the region.

Minister for Health, Ryan Park said the service enables women to be cared for by a known midwife throughout their pregnancy, during childbirth and in the early weeks at home with their new baby.

“It is exciting to officially launch this service in Moruya, which empowers and supports women’s choices in the Eurobodalla.” Mr Park said.

“Women and their families gain reassurance from getting to know their midwife personally and can establish a familiar and trusted support base when they need help or advice, with a direct phone number they can call.

“This primary midwife is supported by a secondary or ‘backup’ midwife and works collaboratively with doctors when required.” Mr Park said.

Parliamentary Secretary for Health and Regional Health and Member for Bega Dr Michael Holland says he is proud to see the establishment of a new Midwifery Group Practice in the maternity unit where he worked for twenty years.

“The continuity and personalised care from midwifery professionals will complement the existing midwifery service and the GP and specialist obstetric services.” Dr Holland said.

“This will provide a functional and collaborative model of care providing women with more choice, greater satisfaction, and continued safety for them and their babies.”

Southern NSW Local Health District (SNSWLHD) Midwifery District Manager, Bek Bowman said robust international evidence supports continuity of care models as best practice for improved pregnancy and birth outcomes and satisfaction for women.

“The opportunity to form close relationships with women in our communities in the very early stages of their pregnancy and walk alongside them during their birth and postnatal care is truly a privilege,” Ms Bowman said.

“The MGP model implemented in Moruya gives our professional and dedicated team of midwives the chance to use their clinical practice skills to achieve better outcomes for women and babies.”

The launch forms part of SNSWLHD’s ‘Know Your Midwife continuity of care strategy’, which sees tailored models of care implemented within Maternity Services across the District.

Queanbeyan Hospital and Health Service has successfully operated its Midwifery Antenatal and Postnatal Service (MAPS) continuity model since 2020. Cooma Maternity Services is due to roll out its customised midwifery model in the coming months, with Bega and Goulburn to follow.

Women across Southern NSW are encouraged to connect with their local Maternity Service, as early in pregnancy as possible to understand the choices available for maternity care. Contact details and booking forms for each Maternity Service are available online.