Clinical volunteers step up to assist the Howlong community

27 October 2023

Howlong and surrounding areas are set to benefit from a new volunteer Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) service, launched by NSW Ambulance this week.

Regional Health Minister Ryan Park praised the initiative and the volunteers involved for stepping up to help their community.

“Community Emergency Response Teams are a unique resource designed to assist smaller, regional communities and are comprised entirely of NSW Ambulance clinical volunteers who are trained and equipped to a high standard to support paramedics in times of need," Mr Park said.

“CERT volunteers complete a comprehensive nine-month training program both in the classroom and on the road with local paramedic crews while they learn to provide initial emergency care to the community."

Minister Park said NSW Ambulance provides wellbeing assistance, as well as personal protective equipment, uniforms, and a fit-for-purpose response vehicle to transport CERT members safely to emergencies quickly.

“I want to thank the CERT volunteers in Howlong for being willing to answer their availability phones both day and night, ready to respond to urgent emergencies – it shows true Aussie spirit through and through," Mr Park said.

After more than two years of planning, the Howlong CERT, will kick off operations next Monday 30 October 2023.

NSW Ambulance Commissioner Dr Dominic Morgan said that when a local patient needs lifesaving treatment fast our CERT volunteers will be deployed by the Triple Zero (000) dispatch system, to provide initial assistance while our paramedics are on the way.

“CERTs do not replace our valued and highly skilled paramedics, but they are integral to building community resilience in responding to and recovering from not only personal health emergencies, but also natural disasters," Dr Morgan said.

“Our CERT volunteers are really special people, and we are so grateful for their, and the community of Howlong's support of this program."

Following the program's success in Nana Glen and Manildra, the Howlong team will be the third CERT service to be launched since NSW Ambulance started the initiative in December 2021.

To learn more about NSW Ambulance clinical volunteers and the Community Emergency Response Team program, visit the NSW Ambulance G​et Involved page.​​