Changes to COVID-19 isolation period from Friday

08 September 2022

The self-isolation period for people in NSW diagnosed with COVID-19 will reduce from seven days to five days tomorrow, Friday 9 September in line with last week's decision by National Cabinet.

People who test positive will need to comply with the NSW Health Factsheet which will require them to:

  • If they had a positive rapid antigen test (RAT), register this on the Service NSW website.
  • Self-isolate immediately for five days from the day their positive test was taken. If a person continues to have acute symptoms, such as a sore throat, runny nose, cough or shortness of breath, they are to remain in self-isolation for seven days from the day of their test.
  • Not enter certain high-risk settings for seven days after they had their positive test. This includes healthcare (hospital premises, public clinics, and private health facilities), residential aged care, and residential disability care facilities.
  • Tell people that they live with that they have tested positive and self-isolate from them as much as possible.
  • Tell people they spent time with from the two days before they started having symptoms or two days before they tested positive (whichever came first) that they have COVID-19.

COVID-19 can be transmitted for up to 10 days after a person tests positive so NSW Health strongly recommends taking the following precautions after a person leaves isolation until 10 days after the positive test was taken:

  • Wear a mask when in an indoor setting that is not their own home
  • Avoid healthcare, aged care, disability or correctional settings unless they need medical care or in an emergency
  • Avoid large or crowded indoor gatherings where they will be in contact with groups of people that they don't live with
  • Undertake a rapid antigen test if they need to attend an indoor gathering with people they don't live with. Do not attend the gathering if the result is positive
  • Talk to their employer before returning to work. Employers are responsible for completing their own risk assessments and may require additional measures to be taken before employees return to work
  • Work or study from home where practicable.

From tomorrow, there is also no longer a requirement for people to wear a face mask on a domestic commercial aircraft.