St George health precinct designs unveiled

29 March 2022

​Communities in Sydney's south can now preview the new Ambulatory Care Building at St George Hospital, with artist impressions unveiled today showcasing the new $385 million health precinct.

Health Minister Brad Hazzard said the NSW Government is investing in a major redevelopment at St George Hospital to provide more state-of-the-art health services and facilities closer to home for Sydney's southern communities.

"The new Ambulatory Care Building brings essential health services including physical rehabilitation, medical imaging tests, blood transfusions and biopsies under the one roof, making it easier for outpatients to access the healthcare they need," Mr Hazzard said.

"The designs unveiled today are the result of extensive planning undertaken with staff and local communities to ensure the new precinct meets the healthcare needs of this dynamic and rapidly growing region both now and in the years to come."

Preparations for the new building began in January 2022, with priority and infrastructure works being carried out by ADCO Construction. Work is also underway to deliver a refurbished Clinical Skills Centre, a new Acute Care Imaging Unit and capability to accommodate two MRI machines.

Member for Oatley Mark Coure welcomed the opportunity for the St George community to see the future of their local hospital and the world-class facilities the NSW Government is delivering for staff and patients.

"Unveiling these images for the first time today, we can see just how the new building will integrate into the existing hospital campus as well as the vision for the public forecourt area which will become the new main entrance for the hospital," Mr Coure said.

"I am pleased that as part of the redevelopment, we are also working to install a second state-of-the-art MRI machine, doubling the current capacity at St George Hospital and enabling easier and more efficient access to MRI services for our local and surrounding communities."

The $385 million Integrated Ambulatory Care Precinct brings the NSW Liberal Government's total investment at St George Hospital to more than $700 million, with previous projects including the $277 million Acute Services Building, new $43.7 million emergency department, and $11.5 million birthing suite and theatre refurbishment. 

The NSW Government is investing a record $10.8 billion in health infrastructure across the state over the coming four years. Since 2011, the NSW Government has delivered more than 170 hospitals and health facilities across the state, with more than 110 currently underway.

See Artist impressions of the $385 million St George Hospital – Stage 3.