Stay-at-home orders for the Oberon Local Government Area (LGA) will be introduced from 6pm today for seven days due to an increased COVID-19 public health risk.
This stay-at-home order will also apply to anyone who has been in the Oberon LGA since 20 September.
Everyone in this LGA must stay at home unless it is for an essential reason, which includes shopping for food, medical care, getting vaccinated, compassionate needs, exercise and work or tertiary education if you can't work or study at home.
To determine the extent of the risk and detect any further potential COVID-19 cases in these areas, we are calling on the communities to come forward for testing in large numbers.
A strong response to testing will be a key factor in determining if these stay-at-home orders are extended beyond one week. To find your nearest clinic visit
COVID-19 clinics or contact your GP.
High vaccination rates are also essential to reduce the risk of transmission and protect the health and safety of the community.
Use the
COVID-19 vaccine clinic finder to find your nearest vaccination clinic, or visit:
Get your COVID-19 vaccination