The Junior Medical Officers who recently started back at public hospitals will benefit from several new projects under a $1 million package aimed at improving their health and wellbeing.
NSW Health Deputy Secretary, People, Culture and Governance Phil Minns, said the JMO Be Well Program has provided funding for eight new projects across the state over the next three years.
“The NSW Government is committed to addressing burnout and mental health issues among our hardworking young doctors with local programs that best address their needs,” Mr Minns said.
“It is part of a comprehensive plan to improve the training and working environment of Junior Medical Officers and ensure they have a long, rewarding career in our world-class public health system.”
As at June 2018 there were 7,693 full time equivalent Junior Medical Officers working for NSW Health, an increase of 18 per cent over the past five years.
The new projects are in addition to the JMO Wellbeing and Support Plan launched in November 2017.
“I’m confident these initiatives will provide a real benefit to Junior Medical Officers as they progress through their training,” Mr Minns said.
The new projects follow the release of the second Your Training and Wellbeing Matters Survey, which shows the number of junior doctors who agree their hospital supports junior doctor training has increased, up five percentage points to 74 per cent.
The eight new projects under the JMO Be Well Program are:
More details about wellbeing initiatives and the JMO survey are available on the NSW Health website at JMO wellbeing and Your Training and Wellbeing Matters Survey.