Kingscliff to be the home of $534 million Tweed Valley hospital and jobs bonanza

04 April 2018

Member for Tweed Geoff Provest today announced the site for the new Tweed Valley Hospital, which is set to bring a jobs bonanza to the region.

Mr Provest, joined by Health Minister Brad Hazzard, said the Kingscliff site for the

$534 million state-of-the-art hospital was selected after an extensive search.

“Today is a fantastic day for our community because it means detailed planning for our new hospital can now get underway and soon it will rise out of a new greenfield site,” Mr Provest said.

“The message from our community, doctors and nurses was that we need a new hospital and the Liberal and Nationals Government is now delivering.

“Its location on Cudgen Road opposite Kingscliff TAFE provides an opportunity to develop a health and education precinct over time. This is great news.

“Site works are expected to start once acquisition and planning processes are completed with the target of having our new hospital completed in 2022 and opened as soon as possible after that.

“When Labor was in Government the State was broke and the Tweed missed out. Now our State is number one and all of us in the Tweed are getting our fair share in our new hospital.

“With our growing population, our new hospital will deliver a bonanza of hundreds of construction and health service jobs and the best possible healthcare well into the future,” Mr Provest said.

Mr Hazzard said the location was selected from more than 30 sites across the region.

“Seventy per cent of the current and future population is within a 30-minute drive to the new hospital, which is great news for patients, their families and staff,” Mr Hazzard said.

“After I became the Minister for Health, my first visit to the region was to the Tweed – compliments of Geoff Provest getting into my ear enthusiastically and early on.

“The project team is now meeting with clinicians and other staff to progress planning, with masterplans and concept designs expected to be unveiled in the coming months.

“This year alone, the NSW Government is spending $851 million on health services in the Northern NSW LHD.

“Only Geoff Provest as part of the Berejiklian-Barilaro Government can be trusted to deliver this brand new hospital for the Tweed.”