NSW vaccination rates reach record levels

10 March 2018

New data shows vaccination rates in NSW have soared to their highest level ever with more than 93 per cent of children at five years of age now fully immunised.

Health Minister Brad Hazzard said the latest Annual Immunisation Coverage Report

proves the NSW Government’s record investment in immunisation is paying off.

“Under the NSW Liberals & Nationals, we have seen the vaccination rate climb from

87.6 per cent under Labor in 2010, to its highest level ever,” Mr Hazzard said.

“NSW now also has the highest vaccination rates in Australia for Aboriginal children at five years of age, at 97 per cent which is a phenomenal achievement.

“Together with parents we are working to keep our children safe from potentially deadly diseases and our new No Jab, No Play laws will only strengthen these results.”

From January 1, children who are unvaccinated due to their parent’s objection to vaccination can no longer be enrolled in preschools and early childhood centres.

The NSW Government has committed $22.75 million in 2017-18 for immunisation programs, including $3.5 million for free flu shots for children aged from six months to five years old.

Other vaccination programs include:

  • Save the Date app and campaign ($5.5 million invested since 2013)
  • the Aboriginal Immunisation Health Worker program ($1.3 million annually)
  • NSW School Vaccination Program ($7.7 million in 2017-2018)
  • education of general practitioners and training of nurses and midwives.

Dr Jeremy McAnulty, Executive Director of Health Protection at NSW Health, said vaccination is a safe and effective way of reducing death and disease among children.

“The scientific evidence is overwhelming that vaccination will protect children from serious illness and even death,” Dr McAnulty said.

“We urge parents to get their children vaccinated on time to protect them and the wider community.”

View the NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report 2016.