$20,000 for suicide prevention on the Northern Beaches

05 April 2017

Minister for Mental Health Tanya Davies today announced $20,000 in NSW Government funding to expand Lifeline Northern Beaches’ Accidental Counsellor Training program, which raises awareness about suicide.

“Suicide is one of the most alarming issues in Australia today, having a devastating impact on families, loved ones and the community.

“This practical, ‘first aid’ styled course will help members of the community ‘recognise, respond and refer’ support when someone is at risk of suicide.

“As a government we know we must take a multi-dimensional approach to suicide and self-harm prevention. We are committed to doing this by building partnerships between Government, NGOs and the community to connect people at-risk of suicide with the treatment and support they need,” Mrs Davies said.

Mrs Davies was joined by Liberal candidate for Manly, James Griffin, Lifeline Chairman John Brogden and, Lifeline Northern Beaches Chief Executive Officer, David Thomas.

Mr Brogden said this funding means many more students and community leaders will be provided with lifelong skills and techniques in situations where suicidal feelings may be present.

“This funding also means Lifeline can also provide this evidence-based course to 15 secondary schools over the coming 12 months, in addition to several local surf lifesaving, football and rugby clubs,” Mr Brogden said.

Mr Griffin welcomed the additional funding in support of the Northern Beaches community, saying the program had the potential to make an enormous difference.

“Every suicide is a tragedy and has a profound effect on the entire community. The additional Government funding will make a difference to our lives, by equipping the local community with skills to build awareness and prevention,” Mr Griffin said.

The NSW Government is committed to tackling this important issue and has a range of suicide prevention initiatives in place to reduce the rate of suicide across NSW.

If you are at risk of suicide or self-harm please call Lifeline on 13 11 14.