Making maternal mental health matter

03 May 2017

Today, on World Maternal Mental Health Matters Day, Minister for Women and Mental Health, Tanya Davies, has stressed the importance of reaching out to new mothers during what is often a challenging time.

“As a mother, I’ve experienced the highs and lows of this exciting but unpredictable time, and know how important getting the right support can be,” Mrs Davies said.

It is estimated 10 to 20 per cent of women develop a mental illness during pregnancy or in the months following birth. The impact of this on women, their children and families can be significant.

“We must ensure that these women and families can get the support they need from services in their local communities.”

“Research tells us how important maternal mental health and wellbeing is and that it is the essential cornerstone for protecting and nurturing infant development,” Mrs Davies said.

Under the NSW Mental Health Reform, The NSW Government has invested $6.1 million for NSW Specialist Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Services (PIMHS) including a statewide Outreach Perinatal Service.

Treatment and support, for women experiencing mental health issues before and after pregnancy, is available through public and specialist services depending on the particular local area health network.

Further information on Perinatal Mental Health Services in NSW can be found via Local Health District websites. You can find your local LHD by visiting Local health districts.

If you or someone you know needs mental health support during or after pregnancy or is experiencing broader mental health concerns, call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or visit Beyond Blue.