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2016 media releases from NSW Health
Media releases
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NSW Health
The Hon. Ryan Park, MP
The Hon. Rose Jackson, MP
The Hon. David Harris, MP
2016 media releases from NSW Health
2016/12 - December
NSW residents urged to take precaution during heatwave
[28 December 2016]
Fourth case of measles detected in Sydney this month
[28 December 2016]
Health warning to avoid mosquitoes during holiday season
[23 December 2016]
NSW health urges people with diarrhoea in last two weeks to avoid pools
[22 December 2016]
Bringing Christmas sustenance to those in need
[19 December 2016]
HSC students encouraged to apply for up to 300 nursing scholarships
[16 December 2016]
NSW Health Blue Book review extended
[16 December 2016]
NSW Health alert: Christmas measles outbreak warning
[16 December 2016]
NSW Health seeks feedback on cooling tower regulations
[15 December 2016]
NSW Health update: Response to rare infection risk from open heart surgery equipment
[14 December 2016]
Christmas can be dangerous, NSW Health warns
[1 December 2016]
2016/11 - November
Cadetships boost careers for Aboriginal nurses and midwives
[24 November 2016]
NSW Health seeks the opinions of parents, carers and health professionals for its latest Blue Book review
[23 November 2016]
NSW Health launches plan to boost Aboriginal health workforce
[21 November 2016]
Early detection of mosquito-borne viruses prompts warning
[21 November 2016]
Report on Legionnaires’ disease outbreak released
[7 November 2016]
2016/10 - October
Get prepped for Schoolies’ Week: NSW Health
[31 October 2016]
NSW Health warns of deadly viruses during bat breeding season
[20 October 2016]
Applications open for the NSW Medical Device Commercialisation Training Program
[19 October 2016]
New videos to support better cardiac health for Aboriginal people
[12 October 2016]
2016/09 - September
Taree team wins Aboriginal Knockout Challenge Shield
[29 September 2016]
Anti-viral treatment to reduce hep C: NSW Health
[29 September 2016]
NSW Healthy Town Challenge winner announced
[19 September 2016]
Hunter New England children get access to cannabis-based drug
[19 September 2016]
Get active during Women’s Health Week
[5 September 2016]
2016/08 - August
Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital medical gas findings report released
[27 August 2016]
Children with severe epilepsy begin cannabis-based treatment
[24 August 2016]
NSW Health replaces machines and alerts cardiologists to rare infection risk
[23 August 2016]
Meningococcal disease warning: NSW Health
[18 August 2016]
Protect vulnerable people as flu cases rise: NSW Health
[16 August 2016]
Avoid recalled rockmelon after Salmonella outbreak: NSW Health
[3 August 2016]
2016/07 - July
Newly available hepatitis C treatments have cure rate of more than 90 per cent
[28 July 2016]
NSW Health report shows over 65s drink alcohol more than young people
[21 July 2016]
Junior Medical Officer positions now open
[21 July 2016]
NSW Health urges hand washing to control gastroenteritis upswing
[7 July 2016]
NSW Health warns clients of an unregistered Five Dock cosmetic practitioner to see their doctor for blood tests
[6 July 2016]
2016/06 - June
Prepare for Rio health risk: NSW Health
[24 June 2016]
Traineeship boosts NSW Aboriginal environmental workforce
[22 June 2016]
2016/05 - May
Free service launched to reduce harmful alcohol use
[27 May 2016]
Burwood Legionnaires' disease update
[23 May 2016]
NSW Health advice on bushfire smoke
[20 May 2016]
Burwood Legionnaires’ disease update
[20 May 2016]
CBD Legionnaires’ disease outbreak update
[11 May 2016]
CBD Legionnaires’ disease outbreak - Update
[5 May 2016]
NSW Health investigates new CBD Legionnaires’ disease cases
[4 May 2016]
2016/04 - April
NSW Health urges pregnant women to have free flu vaccination early
[26 April 2016]
Aboriginal Knockout Challenge kicks off obesity fight
[11 April 2016]
NSW Health issues measles warning
[6 April 2016]
2016/03 - March
NSW Health investigates CBD Legionnaires' link
[9 March 2016]
2016/02 - February
Smoke-free outdoor dining providing a breath of fresh air to diners
[1 February 2016]
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Current as at: Tuesday 12 January 2016
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