Health services for Aboriginal people continue in Western Sydney

14 August 2015

​WentWest, the Western Sydney Primary Health Network, and other government health service providers supported by NSW Health and the Commonwealth Government, have set up an interim health service in Western Sydney to meet local Aboriginal health needs until a long-term service is established.

From today, Friday 14 August, core primary health services will be provided at the same premises at 2 Palmerston Road, Mt Druitt. These include child and family services, mental health, drug and alcohol services, dental services and services for patients with chronic conditions. In addition, Western Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health Districts will continue to provide specialist ‘in-reach’ services, on site and access to specialist psychiatry services as required.

Aboriginal health workers, registered nurses and general practitioners will be available to provide care to patients from 9.00am to 5.00pm from Monday to Friday. Patient transport services will be available to help members of the local community access the interim health service.

All former Aboriginal Medical Services Western Sydney (AMSWS) patients can be assured their health information will be secure, their privacy will be protected and their records are available if they would like access to them.

NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said Western Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health Districts will play a key role in supporting WentWest, the Western Sydney Primary Health Network, in the delivery of the interim services at the Mt Druitt premises.

“The interim service will not replicate the AMSWS but will be the stepping stone to a longer term service that will provide the Aboriginal people in Western Sydney and the Nepean Blue Mountains area with access to quality, culturally appropriate health services,” Dr Chant said.

“NSW Health is committed to the provision of a longer term service and will work collaboratively with a newly established Aboriginal Advisory Committee which includes Aboriginal representatives from local non-government organisations, local health districts and the Primary Health Networks. We also plan to work in consultation with the local Aboriginal community to help inform the next steps in the development of the longer term service.”

For further information go to Aboriginal health.

Appointments and additional information are available by calling 1800 225 363 or (02) 9832 1356.
