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The Hon. Ryan Park MP
The Hon. Rose Jackson, MLC
The Hon. David Harris, MP
2015 media releases from the Minister for Health
Media releases
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NSW Health
The Hon. Ryan Park, MP
The Hon. Rose Jackson, MP
The Hon. David Harris, MP
2015 media releases from the Minister for Health
Content 1
2015/12 - December
Planning milestone for new Maitland Hospital
[22 December 2015]
$282 million Wagga Wagga Hospital opened
[16 December 2015]
Construction begins on clinical school in South Western Sydney
[11 December 2015]
Cosmetic surgery industry under spotlight
[9 December 2015]
New era in health: $211 million Tamworth Hospital officially opened
[9 December 2015]
Illawarra's new surgical services centre officially opened
[8 December 2015]
Car park building boom at NSW hospitals
[3 December 2015]
BHI Hospital Quarterly Report
[1 December 2015]
NSW leading the way in fight against HIV
[1 December 2015]
2015/11 - November
$10 million for cutting-edge medical technologies
[27 November 2015]
Long Jetty renal dialysis unit opened
[23 November 2015]
New Commissioner Appointed for Health Care Complaints Commission
[20 November 2015]
NSW leads nation in timely, quality emergency department care
[19 November 2015]
Next generation of medical innovators
[19 November 2015]
Dr Mary Foley
[19 November 2015]
Get physical on Walk to Work Day
[11 November 2015]
IPTAAS funding boost for stays in not-for-profit accommodation
[10 November 2015]
Simulator helps flight nurses deliver better patient care
[5 November 2015]
NSW taskforce on health and the arts
[5 November 2015]
Extraordinary everyday work celebrated on Thank a Paramedic Day
[5 November 2015]
Illawarra doctor named NSW Health staff member of the year
[2 November 2015]
Northern LHDs claim three NSW Health awards
[2 November 2015]
Hunter scoops two NSW Health awards
[2 November 2015]
Innovation and excellence celebrated at 17th annual NSW Health awards
[2 November 2015]
2015/10 - October
Expanded support services for those who wish to die at home
[30 October 2015]
Centre for the Prevention of Harm
[28 October 2015]
NSW hospital patients rate their care highly
[28 October 2015]
Health Care Complaints Commission powers strengthened to protect patients in NSW
[22 October 2015]
Non-Emergency Patient Transport fleet transition
[19 October 2015]
Convenient patient and carer accommodation open at Royal North Shore Hospital
[2 October 2015]
2015/09 - September
Byron Central Hospital marks another key milestone
[30 September 2015]
Dream come true: New era for St George Hospital Sleep Disorders Laboratory
[28 September 2015]
NSW Government Eases Cost Burden For Patients With Cancer And Chronic Conditions
[27 September 2015]
Macksville Hospital redevelopment back on track
[15 September 2015]
Nambucca HealthOne officially opened
[15 September 2015]
First look inside Kempsey Hospital redevelopment
[14 September 2015]
Exceptional nurses and midwives honoured
[9 September 2015]
Celebrating multicultural health week
[7 September 2015]
Shining star: $120 million Hornsby Ku Ring Gai Hospital redevelopment opened
[5 September 2015]
Lift off for new NSW Ambulance helicopterbase at Bankstown
[3 September 2015]
Quality hospital performance continues in NSW
[2 September 2015]
E-Cigarette ban takes effect
[1 September 2015]
2015/08 - August
Celebrations at official opening of Campbelltown Hospital redevelopment
[31 August 2015]
New Technology Helps Grieving Loved Ones
[25 August 2015]
$5.5 million for research tools to fast track cancer discoveries
[19 August 2015]
NSW Government grants $5 million to St Vincent’s to plan campus future
[19 August 2015]
$40.9 million Forbes Hospital redevelopment on track
[17 August 2015]
State's leading cancer researchers honoured
[10 August 2015]
Speak up about organ donation to save lives
[3 August 2015]
2015/07 - July
Outdoor dining areas now smoke-free in NSW
[6 July 2015]
Community pharmacists now vaccinating against influenza
[3 July 2015]
It's time to Make Healthy Normal
[3 July 2015]
Green light for construction to start on Northern Beaches Hospital
[2 July 2015]
2015/06 - June
$6.7 million Shellharbour Ambulatory Care Unit officially open
[29 June 2015]
Wollongong Hospital car park making patients' lives easier
[29 June 2015]
NSW Government strengthens e-cigarette protections for young people
[25 June 2015]
NSW Government acts to Make Healthy Normal
[23 June 2015]
$1.4 Billion Building Boom for NSW Hospitals
[23 June 2015]
Record $21 Billion Health Budget Boosts Frontline Care
[23 June 2015]
Quality hospital performance continues in NSW
[4 June 2015]
2015/05 - May
NSW smoking rates continue downward trend
[31 May 2015]
NSW succeeding in closing the gap between HIV diagnosis and treatment
[28 May 2015]
Keeping Blood Pressure Under Check
[6 May 2015]
NSW Government introduces legislation to ban e-cigarette sales to minors
[6 May 2015]
2015/04 - April
2015 Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery Awards
[30 April 2015]
Clearing begins to make way for new Liverpool super ambulance station
[16 April 2015]
Site prepared for new Bankstown super ambulance station
[16 April 2015]
2015/03 - March
New web tool to help junior doctors map career
[5 March 2015]
2015/02 - February
Baird Government to boost paediatric medical research capabilities
[24 February 2015]
Minister welcomes 1800 graduate nurses and midwives to NSW Health system
[24 February 2015]
States first permanent rapid HIV testing site opens in Darlinghurst
[23 February 2015]
NSW takes the lead in genomic medicine
[20 February 2015]
NSW Government strengthens clinician engagement
[18 February 2015]
State-of-the-art BreastScreen fleet to serve women across NSW
[18 February 2015]
Top that new Wollongong Hospital car park reaches milestone
[17 February 2015]
New $5 million forensic labs solving crimes faster than ever
[2 February 2015]
2015/01 - January
$150 million for next stages of Dubbo Hospitals major upgrade
[22 January 2015]
NSW committed to four hour benchmark
[12 January 2015]
Content 2
Current as at: Friday 16 January 2015
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