This fact sheet outlines the actions being undertaken by NSW Health to improve consumer and carer participation in mental health care following the Review of seclusion, restraint and observation of consumers with a mental illness in NSW Health facilities.
Following the ‘Review of seclusion, restraint and observation of consumers with a mental illness in NSW Health facilities’, we will implement the following recommendations.
Every local health district and specialty health network will use consumer, carer and family co-design in their seclusion and restraint prevention action plans. To be involved, please contact your local health district.
The Review of seclusion, restraint and observation of consumers with a mental illness in NSW Health facilities emphasised the need to work with consumers and families when planning care. It is important that this collaboration also extends beyond individual treatment and includes service improvement. Consumers and families must always be partners in quality improvement.
Co-design brings consumers, carers, families and staff together to improve health services. It has been used in a range of health service settings.
The principle is to apply consumer and carer experience to better understand and improve care. Co-design aims for results that are practical in ‘the real world’ and better meet the needs of consumers, carers and families’.