NSW Suicide Prevention Legislation: Discussion Paper

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Every suicide is a tragedy that impacts individuals, families, and communities. Nearly half of those who die by suicide have not engaged with healthcare services in the year prior. The factors leading to suicide extend beyond mental health conditions, necessitating a coordinated response from all government sectors to reduce suicide rates in NSW.

To address this, the NSW Government is creating suicide prevention legislation designed to incorporate the experiences of those affected by suicide and promote shared responsibility and accountability across various government portfolios.

The NSW Suicide Prevention Legislation: Discussion Paper sets out the key elements that might be included in this legislation. 

What has happened so far?

A series of consultation activities have been undertaken by Suicide Prevention Australia and First Nations Co. to make sure voices of people with lived and living experience are reflected in legislation as it develops. 

​Consultation has also occurred with the suicide prevention sector, the social and emotional wellbeing sector and NSW Government agencies.

​​What is next?

Findings from the consultation are being considered by Government. The legislation is expected to be introduced to NSW Parliament by mid-2025.​​​​

File Size: 3707 kb
Type: Discussion
Date of Publication: 12 July 2024
Author: Mental Health