NSW School-Link is a collaboration between NSW Health and NSW Department of Education (DoE) and aims to improve access to wellbeing support and specialist mental health services for children and young people with mental health concerns and their families.
The NSW Ministry of Health funds Local Health Districts and Specialty Networks to employ School-Link Coordinators to implement NSW School-Link across approximately 3,000 NSW schools and TAFEs in partnership with teachers, school counselling staff and specialist mental health workers. At a statewide level, NSW School-Link is managed by Perinatal Child and Youth (PCY), NSW Ministry of Health, in partnership with DoE.
The current Strategic Action Plan builds on previous efforts and optimises the strengths of NSW School-Link. It provides direction for NSW School-Link to 2025 and outlines strategic priorities and expected activities. This plan has been developed in response to the findings of a review of the previous School-Link Strategy and Action Plan 2014-2017.