NSW Service Plan for Specialist Mental Health Services for Older People (SMHSOP) 2005-2015


This plan is intended to guide the development of Specialist Mental Health Services for Older People (SMHSOP) in Area Health Services across NSW over the next 10 years. Pressure on these specialist services will grow as the population ages and the number of older people with complex mental health problems increase. The Plan outlines the relevant policy, planning and demographic context, key mental health issues for older people, the broader service system of which SMHSOP are a part, and strategic priorities in older people's mental health. It defines the scope and functions of SMHSOP and outlines a SMHSOP service delivery model and implementation plan for the development of the model across NSW, together with a reporting, monitoring and evaluation framework

File Size: 413 kb
Type: Guideline
Date of Publication: 30 August 2006
Author: Mental Health
ISBN: 07374 39699
SHPN: CMH 060108