MH-OAT copyright notices

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MH-OAT copyright notices

Use of the standardised measures in MH-OAT must abide by the terms specified below.

Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS)

The principal authors of the HoNOS, HoNOSCA and HoNOS65+ have advised the Commonwealth that the instruments are in the the public domain and may be used free of cost.

For further information go to copyright information provided by the Royal College of Psychiatrists

Abbreviated Life Skills Profile

Copyright on this instrument is held by the authors (Rosen A, Parker G & Hadzi-Pavlocic D) who have advised the Commonwealth, 'the authors of the LSP are pleased to give permission for the unlimited use of the LSP-16, LSP-20- and the LSP-39 to all mental health services in Australia, both public and private, for routine use, without cost.'

Phase of Care (PoC)

Contact the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority for copyright information.

Resource Utilisation Groups - Activities of Daily Living (RUG-ADL)

The measure is used widely throughout the Australian public sector with no license cost attached. Usage should acknowledgement the source:

Fries BE, Schneider DP et al 1994, 'Refining a case-mix measure for nursing homes: Resource Utilization Groups (RUG-III)' Medical Care, vol. 32, pp. 668-685.


Usage should provide acknowledgement of the source: 

Kessler, R.C., Barker, P.R., Colpe, L.J., Epstein, J.F., Gfroerer, J.C., Hiripi, E., Howes, M.J, Normand, S-L.T., Manderschief, R.W., Walters, E.E., Zaslavsky,A.M. (2003).  Screening for serious mental illness in the general population Archives of General Psychiatry. 60(2), 184-189."

Children's Global Assessment Scale (CGAS)

Usage should provide acknowledgement the source:

Schaffer D, Gould MS, Brasic J et al 1983, 'A children's global assessment scale (CGAS)', Archives of General Psychiatry, vol. 40, pp. 1228-1231.

ICD-10 Factors Influencing Health Status (FIHS)

The Commonwealth holds copyright on this measure and grants permission for its use subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgment of the source and no commercial usage or sale.

Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)

The various versions of the SDQ, whether in English or in translation, are copyright documents.  Australian jurisdictions have approval from the copyright owner, Dr Robert Goodman, to use the adapted SDQ and supporting resources in public mental health services.  For further information about the use of the SDQ, go to the Youth in Mind .

Current as at: Thursday 24 November 2022
Contact page owner: Mental Health