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​Performance Framework

The NSW Health Performance Framework includes the performance expected of affected organisations to achieve the required levels of health improvement, service delivery and financial performance. 

Local Health Districts (LHDs) and Specialty Networks

NSW Health's 15 Local Health Districts cover metropolitan, regional and rural areas across NSW.  Six LHDs cover the Sydney metropolitan region, and nine cover rural and regional NSW.  In addition, two specialty networks focus on Children's and Paediatric Services, and Forensic Mental Health. A third network operates across the public health services provided by three Sydney facilities operated by St Vincent's Health: these include St Vincent's Hospital and the Sacred Heart Hospice at Darlinghurst and St Joseph’s at Auburn.

Corporate Governance and Accountability Compendium

The NSW Health Corporate Governance and Accountability Compendium provides a summary of the key governance requirements applying to NSW Health agencies that apply at both a system and whole of Government level.

This release is current as at 1 December 2012, and covers Chapters 1 to 4: “About NSW Health”, “Governance Framework”, “The Role of Boards and Chief Executives” and “Legal and Policy Requirements”. The second tranche of Chapters will be released shortly. The Compendium is a living document, and individual chapters will be updated to accommodate policy and legal changes as they occur

Whole of Health Program

Access to high quality, safe and efficient health care when people need access to the hospital system is important for patients, carers and staff in the NSW Health system.

The Whole of Health Program will help deliver this access

Annual Report - NSW Health 

The NSW Health Annual Report outlines the functions and activities of NSW Health, the local health districts and the other controlled entities over the financial year.

Current as at: Monday 23 January 2023