NSW Health conducts an expression of interest for LHD Board Member appointments as required pending the expiry of the terms of appointment or reappointment of members.
An expression of interest will be advertised in major state and regional newspapers and information will be available from this website.
Each District Board is selected to ensure a balanced membership that has the right mix of skills, knowledge attributes and expertise to oversee and provide guidance to a large and complex organisation. It is also NSW Government policy that the membership of boards and committees should reflect the interests of the community as a whole, including women, people of culturally diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with a disability, and young people.
The capacity of candidates to contribute time to the workload and demands of a board will also be a factor in the final selection process. The number of other positions on similar boards and committees will also be considered so that recommended candidates are not overburdened.
Applicants should be aware that the Boards may meet on a monthly basis and they will be expected to attend. Board members will also be expected, on occasions, to attend community meetings or events, in a representative capacity, thereby strengthening the community process, the Board and the community it serves.
An applicant will be required to provide details of significant expertise or qualifications within one of the following disciplines:
Board members will be appointed for a term up to five (5) years and are eligible for reappointment for an additional term up to five (5) years.
Appointees to government boards and committees need to have records of personal, professional and commercial integrity. Subject to appointment applicants will be required to complete a satisfactory national criminal record check and checked against the NSW Government Lobby Register as part of the selection process. Checks will also be undertaken of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) Register of persons prohibited/disqualified from managing corporations and of the Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia (ITSA) National Personal Insolvency Index or are not insolvent.
Appointees to NSW Health boards and committees are required to have received two doses of a TGA approved or recognised COVID-19 vaccine and will be required to provide vaccination status evidence if successful.
An annual fee will be paid to members of Governing Boards in line with the NSW Public Service Commission Classification and Remuneration Framework for NSW Government.
Eligible Board members are remunerated - Chairs $35,000 per annum and Members $20,000 per annum.
Health Service staff may be appointed to a Local Health District Board. Short-listed applicants who are members of the NSW Health Service or are public sector employees may be asked to provide a copy of their current job description and to provide further information as a part of the short listing process outlining that:
In accordance with Premier's Memorandum 2013-06 NSW Government Boards and Committees Guidelines, public sector employees cannot be paid a sitting fee without obtaining an exemption from the Public Service Commission. Rules are specified in the guidelines which are available from the Department of Premier and Cabinet Boards and Committee.