Child and Family Health Advisory Council - Terms of reference


The scope of the Child and Family Health Advisory Council (the Council) is the health, wellbeing and healthcare of mothers, babies, children, young people and families in NSW. Within this scope, the Council:

The Council is not responsible for implementing programs or policy or making funding decisions.


The Council has a maximum of 16 members appointed by the Secretary.

The five standing members are the:

  • Chief Paediatrician, NSW Health
  • Deputy Secretary, Strategy and Resources
  • Executive Director, Health and Social Policy Branch (ex-officio)
  • Director, Maternity, Child, Youth and Paediatrics (ex-officio)
  • Director, Prevention & Response to Violence, Abuse and Neglect (ex-officio).

Up to eleven further members are drawn from the following areas:​

  • Aboriginal communities (one member) 
  • Allied health (one member) 
  • Clinical Excellence Commission (one member) 
  • Health systems research (one member) 
  • Health care and social policy (one member)
  • Local health districts and specialty networks (one member from the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network/John Hunter Children’s Hospital, one member from a metropolitan Local Health District or Network and two members from rural local health districts)
  • Nursing and midwifery (one member)
  • NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation (one member)

Members may cover more than one area if relevant to their expertise and current employment role.​

Members of the former NSW Kids and Families Board, who are not aligned to one of the categories above, will be invited by the Secretary, NSW Health to be a member of the Council. The Council will revert to up to 16 members upon the relevant persons declining membership of, resigning from or concluding their term with the Council.

The Council is co-chaired by the Deputy Secretary, Strategy and Resources and a senior clinician.

Where required the Council will be able to draw on additional expertise, including the expertise of the Senior Clinical Advisors to the Health and Social Policy Branch, through invitation to attend Council meetings.

The Secretary, NSW Health, may as required, appoint additional persons to the Council or establish time-limited working groups to provide additional expertise.

Period of appointment

The standing members are appointed to the Council for the period of their employment in the nominated role.

Other members are appointed for two years. Members may apply in writing to the Secretary, NSW Health, for re-appointment. Members who are appointed for a second two year term must retire at the end of that term.

Where a member is appointed to provide additional expertise or to a time limited working group, the member’s appointment will end at the date specified in the letter of appointment from the Secretary, NSW Health.​


Members are required to attend a minimum of three of the four meetings per year to maintain membership of the Council.

Resignation and termination

A member may resign from the Council in writing to the Secretary, NSW Health.

A member’s appointment may be terminated in writing by the Secretary, NSW Health where the member breaches the NSW Health Code of Conduct or the confidentiality requirements of the Council.


Members will not be remunerated for their time. Where required, members will be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary Council-related travel and out of pocket expenses during their term. The Secretariat will be responsible for providing advice to members on what is considered a reasonable and necessary cost.


Members are expected to abide by the NSW Health Code of Conduct.​​

All Council information received by members in the course of their Council duties must not be disclosed to persons who are not members of the Council, without the prior approval of the co-chairs.

Conflicts of interest

Upon appointment or at any time during their appointment, members must immediately notify the co-chairs of any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest. Where a member discloses a conflict of interest, the member must act as requested by the Council within seven days or such period as approved by the Council to remove any conflict of interest. If a member is unable or unwilling to remove a conflict of interest, the member must not be witness to or participate in any communication or discussion to which the conflict relates. This may be waived where the remaining members are satisfied that the interest should not disqualify the member.

The Secretariat will maintain a conflict of interest register which identifies the member, the nature and extent of the member’s interest and whether the member is permitted to be involved in discussions relevant to the conflict of interest.


The Council will meet four times per year. Meetings will be held at the NSW Ministry of Health, 73 Miller Street, North Sydney. One meeting per year will be held in a rural location, as appropriate. Teleconference facilities will be provided.

The Council will make decisions by consensus. If this is not possible, a final decision will be made by the co-chairs.

A quorum will be 50% of members plus one member. At least one co-chair must be included for a quorum to be reached.

If necessary, members from the Agency for Clinical Innovation and the Clinical Excellence Commission may delegate meeting attendance to an appropriate alternative.

Meeting attendance is non-delegable for all other members.


The Council will report to the Secretary, NSW Health via the co-chairs as required.


The Health and Social Policy Branch will provide Secretariat support to the Council.


Terms of Reference will be reviewed every two years by the Council and may be amended, varied or modified in writing with the approval of the Secretary, NSW Health.​

Current as at: Thursday 3 August 2017
Contact page owner: Maternity, Child and Family