Child and Family Health Advisory Council - Communique (No 3 - August 2017)

Council to visit Murrumbidgee Local Health District

Each year the Child and Family Health Advisory Council will travel to rural or regional location in NSW to gain insight into current challenges and opportunities, and to provide District colleagues with the opportunity to meet and consult with Council members regarding the planning and delivery of child and family health services.

In response to a recent call for expressions of interest to host this year’s inaugural meeting, the Council received a number of outstanding applications; showcasing the breadth and depth of work currently underway in the NSW child and family health space.

Murrumbidgee Local Health District has been selected as the host District for 2017 Regional meeting. Council members look forward to visiting Wagga Wagga in late November.

Healthy, Safe and Well: Strategic Health Plan for Children, Young People and Families 2014-24

As the review of the indicators for Healthy, Safe and Well – A Strategic Health Plan For Children, Young People and Families
continues, Council members have been giving consideration to a range of potential new indicators for inclusion in regular monitoring and review of health outcomes for the target populations. Since the launch of Healthy, Safe and Well in 2014, data sources in NSW have continued to expand and develop, providing the opportunity to consider a number of new indicators relevant to monitoring and evaluating the success of the strategic health plan.

A dedicated half-day workshop is planned for 2018 to scope ongoing monitoring requirements and to further refine and prioritise indicators for inclusion.

Communication and feedback

Staff and stakeholders are encouraged to consult and seek advice from the Council on system level issues, best practice, policy and program innovations relating to the health, wellbeing and healthcare of mothers, babies, children, young people and families.

Requests can be made via the Secretariat using the proforma. Submissions for agenda items close approximately one month prior to the scheduled meeting date. All requests will be considered, and appropriate matters referred to the Council for discussion and/or advice.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Council Secretariat via email

We look forward to receiving your suggestions.

Dr Nigel Lyons (Co-Chair)
Dr Andrew McDonald (Co-Chair)
Current as at: Wednesday 8 November 2017
Contact page owner: Maternity, Child and Family