Pre-IVF Fertility Testing Rebate - Frequently asked questions for specialists

Who is eligible to claim the rebate?

To be eligible to apply for the rebate, applicants must:

  • be a NSW resident
  • be a woman (eligible fertility tests may be for a man or a woman, but only women can submit an application for the rebate)
  • have been referred for eligible fertility tests by a general practitioner or a specialist
  • have a receipt for an out-of-pocket cost for one of the following fertility tests (pre-IVF) after 1 October 2019:
    • Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) test
    • pelvic ultrasound
    • ovulation test
    • semen analysis.

To apply for the rebate, a specialist must sign to confirm the patient’s eligibility for the rebate.

As not all available tests under these categories are for the purpose of fertility testing, its important the type of tests undertaken and confirmed by the specialist are correctly recorded on the patient’s receipt.

How can patients claim the rebate?

Service NSW outlines how to apply for the rebate. You can also call Service NSW on 13 77 88 between 7am and 7pm.

How can you confirm your patient's eligibility for the rebate?

To confirm your patient’s eligibility for the rebate, you must:

As a Specialist, you are uniquely placed to confirm patients' eligibility to receive the rebate. By completing the Pre-IVF Fertility Testing Rebate form you acknowledge:

  • your patient has a fertility issue
  • your patient has incurred an out-of-pocket expense for fertility testing that occurred from 1 October 2019
  • you have advised your patient how to claim the rebate through Service NSW, including the need to upload one eligible fertility testing receipt
  • you have informed patients that information provided when claiming the rebate will be shared with NSW Health and Service NSW, highlighted the privacy statement and asked your patient/s to sign the form
  • you have retained a copy of the completed form with your patient's records, and have informed the patients of this.
  • you have read and understood the privacy statement for specialists.

Although both general practitioners and specialists may order fertility tests, only the following specialists can confirm eligibility for the rebate:

  • Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologists
  • Specialists in Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound
  • Specialists in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
  • Specialist Urologists
  • Specialist Endocrinologists.

What is a fertility issue for the purposes of the rebate?

For the purposes of the rebate, a fertility issue is when a woman under 35 years of age has not conceived in 12 months or longer, or a woman over 35 years has not conceived in 6 months or longer, after regular unprotected intercourse. Both male infertility and female infertility are defined by the failure to conceive.

Can the rebate be claimed more than once?

No. A woman can only receive the rebate once.

How long is the rebate available for?

Service NSW launched the rebate on 15 January 2020. However, specialists were able to approve eligibility for the rebate for fertility tests since 1 October 2019.

From 1 January 2023 the rebate will reduce to $250 in line with current out of pocket testing costs. The rebate is currently funded until June 2026.

What if my patient loses their receipt related to fertility testing?

Patients should request a duplicate receipt from the provider of their fertility test.

How will records and patient information be handled?

The NSW Government will manage rebate records, including the Pre-IVF Fertility Testing Rebate form and related attachments, in accordance with NSW privacy laws, including the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002. A woman who claims the rebate may also use or disclose information about the service received by a second person for the purposes of making a claim for the rebate. More information on how personal information relating to the rebate is managed can be found in the privacy leaflet for patients.

How will NSW Health monitor the rebate?

The pre-IVF Testing Rebate may be subjectable to periodic audits to monitor the rebate to determine compliance.

Has the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) been informed about this initiative?

Yes. RANZCOG is aware of and supporting the implementation of this initiative.

What is the NSW Government's election commitment to improve affordability and access to IVF services in NSW?

The NSW Government has committed $80 million over 4 years 2022-23 to increase access to affordable fertility treatments under the NSW Affordable IVF Initiative. The fertility package will extend rebates for pre-IVF fertility testing, introduce a new rebate for fertility treatment, increase the number of IVF treatment places in publicly supported clinics and increase fertility preservation services for patients with a medical need.

The new fertility treatment rebate of up to $2,000 will open 1 January 2023. Women who have undergone an eligible procedure from 1 October 2022 will be able to submit a claim when the rebate scheme opens.

This builds on the NSW Government's 2019 investment of $42 million over four years. It will improve affordability and access to IVF and fertility treatment services across NSW by:

  • extending the rebate for out-of-pocket expenses related to pre-IVF fertility testing, administered through Service NSW
  • expanding the availability of publicly supported lower cost IVF clinics for around 6,000 women
  • extending the state-wide fertility preservation service for patients with a medical need.

Where can I go for further information?

For further information on eligibility, including enquiring on an existing or declined claim, please contact Service NSW  on 137 788.

For general enquiries on the Affordable IVF Initiative please email

Current as at: Wednesday 14 December 2022
Contact page owner: Affordable IVF