The NSW Primary Health Network - NSW Health Joint Statement

Working together to deliver person-centred healthcare in NSW

Our Shared Commitment: One Health System Mindset, Working Together, Planning and Evaluating, Regional FocusThe Joint Statement [PDF] is an agreement between NSW Health, the NSW Primary Health Networks (PHNs) and the Primary Care Division of the Australian Government Department of Health.

The Statement encourages a one health system mindset which supports us to think and act beyond our current healthcare structures and boundaries in healthcare.

Patient-centred care requires collaboration between and integrating care across the primary, community, hospital and social care areas. Providing patient-centred healthcare is important because evidence shows that outcomes for people and communities are improved when the different providers in a health system work together.

Why do we need the Joint Statement?

The Joint Statement sets out how NSW Health, the NSW PHNs and the Commonwealth will work together over the next two years to address three key priority areas:

  • Focusing on care in the community
  • Establishing regional planning processes and governance
  • Data and outcomes.

Implementation of the Joint Statement is being led by the NSW Primary Health Networks and has been funded by NSW Health and the Australian Government Department of Health.

A summary of the joint statement is also available.

Current as at: Friday 17 September 2021