Keeping People Healthy (COVID-19) Award

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Winner - State ODS Program and COVID-19 care in the community

NSW Ministry of Health

Transcript: State ODS Program and COVID-19 care in the community

The massive surge in COVID-19 cases in December 2021 meant pathology testing centres were struggling to cope. Many people using RAT kits started presenting to hospitals, concerned about their symptoms and test results. Emergency departments and Ambulance services were overwhelmed by concerned patients who, with the right information and support could have been safely cared for at home.

To support the mandatory reporting of RAT results, the State Operational Data Store (ODS) Program and COVID-19 Care in the Community Teams at the NSW Ministry of Health collaborated with Service NSW (SNSW) to deliver a digital solution using the Patient Flow Portal and Service NSW’s website. 

This enabled people to register a positive test and screen themselves for risk, and automatically linked them to care providers.

It also immediately relieved pressure on the system, provided reassurance and resources for worried patients.

This was delivered in a record turnaround of two weeks.

In-built screening and patient matching tools within the Patient Flow Portal identified at risk groups such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cases and those with chronic conditions, automatically referring them to community health teams to administer potentially life-saving anti-viral medications. 

This project aligns to Future Health by: 

  • directly improves patient and carer outcomes
  • keeps people healthy and well
  • supports staff to provide the best possible care
  • uses a digital service delivery platform
  • scalable and sustainable.

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Finalist - Co-designing a COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Pilot for the Kids Cancer Centre Community

The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network

Transcript: Co-designing a COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Pilot for the Kids Cancer Centre Community

The Kids Cancer Centre (KCC), Sydney Children’s Hospital is one of the largest paediatric oncology and haematology centres in Australia. The KCC continued to function at full capacity during the height of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, to provide care for the children of NSW diagnosed with cancer.

The project aim was to implement a pilot COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) clinic using rapid model for improvement cycles and co-design principles.

The program success allowed for testing to be conducted on 100% of KCC patients and families.

This resulted in the avoidance of preventable COVID-19 infection in patients, their carers, and KCC staff. It also managed to achieve on site same day testing to minimise disruption for KCC patients and families.

The on-site pilot testing program was established in 4 days.

The program provided an environment where patients and families felt safe and trusted in the system.

Co-designed with Parents/ Carer, this was the first COVID-19 RAT clinic established in a paediatric healthcare facility in Australia that enabled patients, parents, and carers to be tested on site on the day they were due to receive their therapy. 

The RAT clinic pilot prevented multiple COVID-19 outbreaks in a vulnerable patient cohort, keeping patients and families safe, preventing staff furloughs, and avoiding any delays in the delivery of life saving therapy for children with cancer.

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Finalist - Finding your way - yarning to make health decisions together

Agency for Clinical Innovation

Transcript: Finding your way - Yarning to make Health Decisions Together

Aboriginal health workers and community members living and working on Eora, Wilyakali, Gandangara, Wiradjuri, Bundjalung, Darug, and Yuin lands in NSW collaborated between August and September 2021 to adapt culturally responsive shared decision making (SDM) resources for Aboriginal peoples to use when making decisions about COVID-19 vaccines.

The resources were adapted from the evidence-based ‘Ask Share Know’ (ASK) question prompt and the ‘Three-talk’ model for SDM. The model’s interconnected circles denote the core elements of SDM through an Aboriginal perspective.

The result was a model for SDM called ‘Finding your way’, an adapted ASK questions prompt and other supporting resources - including an interactive tool, posters, yarn cards and tearaway pads.

Finding your way aligns with policies that include the National Safety and Quality Healthcare Standards and Closing the Gap, which calls for an effective partnership and SDM between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the Australian government.

The project provides leadership (professional and consumer) and infrastructure (training, tools, and campaigns) to facilitate system-wide implementation of SDM with Aboriginal peoples, aligning with Future Health Strategic outcomes and key objectives.

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Current as at: Thursday 1 December 2022
Contact page owner: NSW Health