This award brings together two individual awards, staff member of the year and collaborative leader of the year. It aims to recognise NSW Health employees who have made an exceptional contribution through effective collaboration to the NSW health system.
This award aims to acknowledge an individual who:
Transcript - Winner - Dr Shannon Nott
Transcript - Elizabeth Geddes
Liz Geddes’ collaborative leadership was instrumental in pioneering the accelerated development of an SMS service to automatically deliver COVID-19 test results to patients’ phones within 24-48 hours of testing. She also set-up an outward-bound COVID-19 Call Centre. Both are a first for NSW Health Pathology (NSWHP).
The COVID-19 SMS Results Service and Call Centre were developed to address two critical challenges:
This required hours of phone calls and diverted staff from critical healthcare roles.
The SMS Service and Call Centre was ideated, developed, piloted, and implemented in two weeks, by a core team of technical, clinical and specialist ICT experts, led by Liz. There was also feedback/counsel from stakeholders across NSWHP, Ministry of Health, local health districts, clinicians, and patients.
Launched in April 2020, the SMS Service has:
Under Liz’s management and in collaboration with partners, the service continues to evolve.
Transcript - Dr Jonathan Williamson
Jonathan’s leadership and interpersonal skills were exemplary, especially throughout the pandemic.
He instigated and led Liverpool Hospital’s COVID-19 clinical taskforce, whilst constantly applying NSW Health’s CORE values of collaboration, openness, respect and empowerment with his colleagues and the executive team.
Jonathan has shaped our health service and, using new evidence-based research, has successfully implemented a clear strategic direction that enabled the provision of high quality of care to patients and the community during such challenging times.
Jonathan has displayed excellent leadership and collaborative skills pulling together a group of senior clinicians and executive at a time of great uncertainty and his understated leadership and commitment have allowed Liverpool Hospital to function safely and even shine as a centre of excellence for the management of COVID-19.
Jonathan has displayed exemplary leadership during this unparalleled SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. His tireless diplomacy has magnified the effectiveness of the health response in Liverpool Hospital in particular, but not limited to Department of Health NSW in general.
His courteous, engaging and proactive manner has been a key catalyst of team efficiency of the COVID-19 Taskforce.
Transcript - Dr Shannon Nott
Dr Shannon Nott has become a leading authority on rural healthcare not just within NSW but also nationally, working above and beyond his role as Western NSW LHD Rural Director of Medical Services to create partnerships, develop technology-enabled solutions and link multidisciplinary teams for more sustainable rural health services.
His work has delivered more sustainable rural health services in a number of towns which have become so fragile that the departure of even one medical officer can collapse health services in that location, such as the 4T’s Project.
Shannon takes a ‘whole of health’ view of rural healthcare which encompasses not only the hospital sector but also primary care.
He is a natural collaborator who listens and seeks advice from communities, clinicians, representative groups, and parliamentary representatives across government jurisdictions to deliver solutions.
As Clinical Director of the NSW Virtual Care Accelerator, he drove the scaling and translation of virtual solutions and knowledge, critical for transforming the NSW Health response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Shannon is also a leader in developing innovative clinical services such as the Virtual Clinical Pharmacy Service and the Virtual Rural Generalist Service, which are having real outcomes for patients and driving service sustainability into the future.