Smarter, Safer Vitals Monitoring

Mid North Coast Local Health District

Smarter, Safer Vitals Monitoring team 

The manual transcription of vital signs by nurses into Mosaiq, the oncology-specific electronic medical records (EMR) system, was often late in the day due to workload and presented a patient safety risk due to the possibility of data transcription errors and reduced staff efficiency.
The aim was to implement wireless mobile technology using barcoding to transmit vital sign data directly into the EMR via the Welch Ally monitor eliminating the need to write or type vital signs.
The results are the elimination of transcription errors, streamlining of clinical workflow processes, increase in staff efficiency, with vital signs entry improving from 75% to 98.5%. “Real time” information assists has increased patient safety and saves valuable time previously taken up in transcription duties by nurses who are now spending more time with their patients.
MNCCI is the first cancer centre in the world to use this technology to integrate vital signs monitoring.
Current as at: Thursday 29 August 2019
Contact page owner: NSW Ministry of Health