The NSW Overdose Response with Take Home Naloxone Project

South Eastern Sydney Local Health District

ORTHN project team 

Opioid overdoses are increasing across Australia and worldwide. Take Home Naloxone (THN) programs are effective in reducing overdose related deaths. The ORTHN project (TRGS funded) involved the rollout and evaluation of a brief THN program to multiple LHDs across NSW, targeting people at ‘high risk’ of opioid overdose. One highlight of the program involved credentialing nurses and health workers to provide the intervention and naloxone, rather than the previous doctor-only model.
THN was delivered to 616 clients by credentialed health workers (n= 204) and the evaluation demonstrated significant improvements in attitudes towards THN in staff and clients. In the 3 month follow up 10% of clients reported using THN in successful overdose reversals. Economic analyses indicate this is a highly cost-effective program. This model of care is now being rolled-out NSW-wide.
Current as at: Thursday 29 August 2019
Contact page owner: NSW Ministry of Health