MyNetcare – Enabling Virtual Health Care

Hunter New England Local Health District

MyNetcare – Enabling Virtual Health Care,  Hunter New England Local Health District finalists 

Caring for vulnerable people with complex needs, particularly those with serious advanced illness, involves multiple services and health care providers. Care can be poorly integrated, leading to sub-optimal experience and outcomes for patients and their families and inefficient use of health care resources. MyNetCare was developed through a regional alliance of services which recognised that improvement would only come through collaboration and breaking down service barriers. MyNetCare is a co-designed model of care delivered by a virtual team of partner organisations, incorporating supportive care navigation practices and the use of a patient authorised clinical handover tool.
Program evaluation using pre and post enrolment data demonstrates positive outcomes against all objectives, including 37% reduction in ambulance utilisation, 19% reduction in emergency department presentations, 20% reduction in hospital admissions; all resulting in estimated savings of 618 hospital bed days. This is a return on investment of $3.89 for every $1 invested.
Current as at: Thursday 29 August 2019
Contact page owner: NSW Ministry of Health