A Holistic Approach to Staff Health and Wellbeing

Murrumbidgee Local Health District

Murrumbidgee Local Health District finalists 

In achieving the best outcomes for the consumers of Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD), we understand staff need to feel safe, healthy and engaged. In supporting the physical and psychological wellness of our workforce, MLHD partnered with First State Super and StatePlus – the NSW Health superannuation default funds to provide a holistic, onsite and facilitated approach to overall health. Staff were provided the opportunity to undertake a confidential physical health check with premium inclusions and a financial health check – understanding financial health can be a source of stress and ill-health.
MLHD strongly believes in empowering staff to take control of their own health, therefore a creative solution was sought to deliver the fee-based service, by aligning with a partner with shared values. MLHD provided a Health and Wellbeing Partnership Proposal to our superannuation partners outlining the commonalities in supporting long and prosperous lives for our staff.
Current as at: Thursday 29 August 2019
Contact page owner: NSW Ministry of Health