Creating Healthy Homes and Neighbourhoods

Sydney Local Health District

Back row: Health Minister Brad Hazzard, Anne Dudley, NSW Health Secretary Elizabeth Koff, Biljana Milosevic, Erin Miller, Kevin Brown, Bronwyn Smith, Kristy Allworth, Deslyn Raymond, Tracey McCosker (NSW Health Pathology Chief Executive), Carrie Marr (Clinical Excellence Commission Chief Executive) Front row: Paula Caffrey, Suzanne Ratcliff, John Eastwood

HHAN is a population-based, family-centred, care-coordination network functioning across health and social care agencies to assist vulnerable families navigate the care system, keep themselves and their children safe, and promote social cohesiveness.
HHAN aims to transform delivery of care for patients, improve health and wellbeing, and minimise costs associated with fragmentation of care across hospital, community, primary health, education, justice and social-care sectors.
HHAN includes mutually supporting components that support families and acknowledge the impact of social determinants of health on family health and wellbeing including: identification of vulnerable family cohorts; care-coordination; evidence-informed intervention(s); general practice engagement and support; family health improvement; placed-based neighbourhood initiatives; interagency system change and planning; monitoring of individual and family outcomes; and evaluation.
NSW Health Record data-linkage demonstrates a reduction in: probable preventable hospitalisation, emergency department visits, admissions and length-of-stay for HHAN families. Qualitative studies have demonstrated improved client outcomes and identified underlying programme mechanisms.

Sydney Local Health District - Creating Healthy Homes and Neighbourhoods team 

Current as at: Thursday 29 August 2019
Contact page owner: NSW Ministry of Health