Contagious Innovation – Fighting Influenza with FluPortal

Northern Sydney Local Health District

Contagious Innovation – Fighting Influenza with FluPortal 

Facing predictions of severe flu season in 2019, Northern Sydney Local Health District (NSLHD) developed ‘FluPortal’.

FluPortal is first-of-its-kind online platform to improve influenza vaccination rates, increase transparency of compliance, facilitate accurate reporting and reduce administration burdens. The model was developed by a multidisciplinary team taking an agile approach to service provision, clinical practice, organisational processes and technological innovation.
FluPortal intuitively connected to NSW Health’s employee database, providing online vaccination information, consent forms, local clinic details, a communications hub, vaccination rates and compliance data per cohort.
The project met all its objectives, while engaging NSLHD staff in the information and consent process. The project resulted in a record-high rate of influenza vaccination for the district, up 8.2% on 2018, while reducing administration time by 90% with significant cost savings. It also enabled the seamless automation of data loading into NSW Health’s VaxLink system and mandatory direct reporting to NSW Health.
Current as at: Thursday 29 August 2019
Contact page owner: NSW Ministry of Health