Janette Du Buisson Perrine

South Western Sydney Local Healt​​​h District

Janette Du Buisson Perrine

For over 20 years, Janette has significantly contributed as a volunteer to improve services and facilities for people with a mental illness and their carers in South Western Sydney. She has demonstrated outstanding leadership as Chair of the Mental Health Consumer, Carer, Community Committee (MHCCCC) since 2014. She was personally commended during the accreditation Periodic Review Survey for her leadership in integrating consumer/carer participation into the governance of the Mental Health Service. 

Janette's skills and effective leadership of the MHCCCC have been pivotal in ensuring that the work with consumer and carer representatives on the Committee achieves significant long-lasting benefits.

Current as at: Wednesday 3 October 2018
Contact page owner: NSW Ministry of Health