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NSW Health works in partnership with schools to offer the vaccines recommended and funded for adolescents by the National Immunisation Program in a school-based vaccination program.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine - single dose
Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough), (dTpa) vaccine - single dose
Meningococcal ACWY vaccine - single dose
This vaccine is important as it protects against four types of meningococcal bacteria, which cause serious disease that can quickly become life-threatening.
Distribute the parent information as soon as it is received and as early as possible. This will allow parents time to digest the information and return the consent forms. Please ensure that any special education students also receive the information kits.
Example timeline for distributing information.
To complete online consent parents/carers need to visit the School Vaccination Program online consent portal.
For detailed steps on how to provide consent please refer to the NSW Health webpage How to Provide Consent.
For online consent parents/carers will need:
Benefits of online consent for parents/carers:
Parents, students and schools can watch a video to learn more about the NSW School Vaccination Program.
Hard copy Parent Information Consent Packs – which includes the Year 7 and Year 10 NSW School Vaccination Program: Important information 2025 – are available and can be given to:
Note: School staff will still need to collect signed printed consent forms and return them to the school vaccination team.
Parents from non-English speaking backgrounds can access resources translated in 27 languages.
To complete online consent for school vaccinations parents can visit the School Vaccination Program online consent portal.
A step-by-step guide on how to provide consent is avialble for parents on the NSW Health website.
Translated guides are available in Arabic العربية,Korean 한국어 , Simplified Chinese 简体中文, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文 , Vietnamese Tiếng Việt.
When parents and carers first log into the online consent platform it should look like the images below:
From the NSW Health link, select Service NSW Account. The Service NSW login page will display.
NOTE: If parents do not have a Service NSW account, they can visit MyServiceNSW to register.
On the login web page, parents will need to type their Service NSW account details:
To ensure everything runs smoothly, the vaccination team will need:
The vaccination team are specially trained to deal with all emergencies. The vaccination team will remain at your school for at least 15 minutes after the last student has been vaccinated and will ensure all vaccinated students have not experienced an adverse event following immunisation prior to departing. A contact phone number for the vaccination team will be left with the school.
Parents of students who have completed consent but missed vaccination throughout the year will be sent a notification. The notification will advise parents their child was not vaccinated.
Every effort will be made to vaccinate students who have completed consent but missed vaccination throughout the year at subsequent school clinics. Where this is possible, parents will be advised of arrangements for catch-up vaccinations.
Where PHU/CHC school immunisation teams have capacity, catch up clinics will be conducted in Year 8 and Year 11 for all the consents submitted the year before. Alternatively, free catch-up vaccines are available through local general practitioners (GPs), pharmacist immunisers and Aboriginal Medical Services (AMS). Please note the GP may charge a consultation fee.
This is an example of a checklist, please discuss with your local PHU/CHC SVP coordinator.
In 2025 the following vaccines will be offered:
Vaccination will only be provided at school if consent has been received.
If your child is in Year 7 or Year 10, you can give consent online for their routine school vaccinations.
How to provide consent
For more information on routine school vaccinations, please visit If you require information in your language, please visit
[Insert school crest and details]
Dear <name of the Director of the Public Health Unit or delegate>,
<Name of school> has received a withdrawal of consent from a parent/guardian for the school vaccination program.
The withdrawal of consent was received on <date> for <student name> in <year group>.
Consent is withdrawn for the <name of vaccine>.
Yours sincerely,
<Name of Principal>
<Signature of Principal>
Up-to-date immunisation information, resources, and advice about the NSW Health School Vaccination Program.
In NSW calling 1300 066 055 will direct you to your local Public Health Unit who can help answer your questions about the school vaccination program. And find the Public Health Unit in your area.