“No Jab, No Pay” is an Australian Government initiative to help ensure all children are fully immunised in line with the
National Immunisation Program (NIP) Schedule.
To access family assistance payments, children (up to 19 years of age) must:
- meet the immunisation requirements for Australian Government family assistance payments (Family Tax Benefit Part A, Child Care Subsidy), or
- be on an approved catch-up schedule, or
- have a medical exemption recorded on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).
The vaccines required under No Jab, No Pay are detailed on the
Department of Social Services vaccination schedules. This page also describes what is meant by "up-to-date" and "approved catch-up schedule".
To help parents meet the immunisation requirements, all young people up 19 years of age can access
free catch-up vaccines.
Note: The meningococcal B
vaccine is not included in the assessment of family assistance payments.
Children should not be excluded from childcare if the meningococcal B vaccine
has not been received.