Go4Fun Evidence and Evaluation Summary Report


Go4Fun is a free healthy lifestyle program that aims to improve health, fitness and self-esteem in children aged 7 to 13 who are above a healthy weight.

The Go4Fun Evidence and Evaluation Summary Report summarises and showcases the reach and implementation of Go4Fun across NSW over the last 4 years. For the period July 2011 – June 2015 6,288 eligible children and their families have participated in Go4Fun, with approximately 80% (5,925) of participants completing the program.

Participants who completed Go4Fun showed improvements in weight and body composition, nutrition related behaviours, physical activity related behaviours, cardiovascular fitness and self-esteem.

File Size: 2313 kb
Type: Booklet
Date of Publication: 01 February 2018
ISBN: 978-1-76000-520-7
SHPN: (CPH) 160443.