Archived drinking water quality and incidents


The incidents listed below are archived and no longer current. Please refer to drinking water quality and incidents for the latest water quality incidents​.

Water supplierSupply and incidentDate placedDate liftedStatus
Tweed Shire Council Boil water notice for Bray Park, parts of Murwillumbah and connected properties out to Crystal Creek13 December 202215 December 2022Lifted
Central Tablelands WaterBoil water notice for Eugowra14 November 202215 December 2022Lifted
Narrandera Shire Council Boil water notice for Narrandera10 November 202221 November 2022Lifted
Lachlan Shire Council Boil water notice for B Section Pipeline5 November 20221 March 2023Lifted
Parkes Shire CouncilBoil water notice for B Section Pipeline5 November 202221 December 2022Lifted
Forbes Shire Council Boil water notice for Forbes5 November 202218 November 2022Lifted
Murray River Council Boil water notice for Moama27 October 20227 November 2022Lifted
Lismore City Council Boil water notice for Nimbin30 September 202229 November 2022
Snowy Moraro Regional Council Boil water notice for Jindabyne, Lakewood, Leesville, High Country and the Station Resort27 September 20226 October 2022Lifted
Snowy Valleys CouncilBoil water notice for Cloverdale20 September 202227 September 2022Lifted
Gwydir Shire Council Boil water notice for Gravesend20 September 20221 December 2022Lifted
Walgett Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Rowena10 August 2022Refer to supplier for updates
Liverpool Plains Shire Council Boil water notice for Premer5 August 20226 August 2022Lifted
Singleton Council Boil water notice for Broke11 July 202221 July 2022Lifted
Dubbo Regional Council
Boil water notice for Dubbo
7 July 2022
2 August 2022
Central Darling Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Ivanhoe27 June 2022
11 August 2022Lifted
Central Darling Shire Council Boil water notice for Wilcannia23 June 20224 July 2022
Dubbo Regional Council Boil water notice for Geurie8 June 202227 June 2022Lifted
Walgett Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Lightning Ridge18 May 202227 May 2022Lifted
Wooyung Beach Holiday ParkBoil water notice for Wooyung Beach Holiday Park12 April 202221 April 2022Lifted
Snowy Monaro Regional CouncilBoil water notice for Jindabyne, Leesville, Lakewood, High Country, the Station Resort, Kalkite, East Jindabyne and Berridale9 April 2022

Berridale, Kalkite and East Jindabyne 12 April 2022,

Jindabyne, Leesville and High Country 14 April 2022

Mid-Western Regional CouncilBoil water notice for Rylstone, Kandos, Charbon and Clandulla10 March 202216 March 2022Lifted
Snowy Monaro Regional CouncilBoil water notice for Jindabyne, Lakewood, Leesville, High Country and the Station Resort7 March 202212 March 2022Lifted
Lithgow City CouncilBoil water notice for Farmers Creek supply system7 March 202225 March 2022Lifted
Department of Communities and JusticeBoil water notice for Balund-a Correctional Centre in Tabulum2 March 2022Refer to supplier for updates
Tweed Shire Council Boil water notice for Uki and South Murwillumbah/Dunbible28 February 2022

South Murwillumbah and Dunbible 5 March 2022

Uki 11 March 2022

Richmond Valley CouncilBoil water notice for Casino and surrounds24 February 20229 March 2022Lifted
Walgett Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Rowena16 February 202219 April 2022Lifted
Coonamble Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Quambone9 February 202225 February 2022Lifted
Bega Valley Shire Council Boil water notice for Brogo-Bermagui supply10 January 202228 January 2022Lifted
Gwydir Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Bingara8 December 202123 December 2021Lifted
Bogan Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Nyngan17 December 20215 January 2022Lifted
Lismore City Council Boil water notice for Nimbin rural customers between Mulgum Creek and De Williams Dam3 December 2021Refer to supplier for updates
Walgett Shire Council Boil water notice for Lightning Ridge1 December 202113 December 2021Lifted
Liverpool Plains Shire Council Boil water notice for Premer27 November 20213 December 2021Lifted
Gwydir Shire Council Boil Water notice for Bingara9 July 202117 August 2021Lifted
Mid-Western Regional CouncilBoil water notice for Clandulla extended to Charbon29 June 20212 July 2021Lifted
Mid-Western Regional Council Boil water notice for Clandulla27 June 20212 July 2021Lifted
Dubbo Regional Council Boil water notice for Wellington10 May 202114 May 2021Lifted
Liverpool Plains Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Werris Creek14 April 202119 April 2021Lifted
Moree Plains Shire Council Boil water notice for Mungindi31 March 202128 April 2021Lifted
Gwydir Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Gravesend25 March 202123 April 2021Lifted
Port Macquarie Hastings Council Boil water notice for Comboyne23 March 20211 April 2021Lifted
Jenolan Caves TrustBoil water notice for Jenolan Caves18 March 202123 October 2023Lifted
Hilltops Council Boil water alert for Young12 February 202114 February 2021Lifted
Gwydir Shire CouncilBoil water alert for Gravesend18 December 202028 January 2021Lifted
Snowy Monaro Regional Council Boil water notice for Jindabyne, Leesville, Lakewood, The Station Resort and High Country30 October 20209 November 2020Lifted
Jenolan Caves TrustBoil water notice for Jenolan Caves15 August 202028 October 2020Lifted
Snowy Valleys CouncilBoil water notice for Adelong, Cloverdale and Tumut28 August 20201 SeptemberLifted
Yass Valley Council Boil water alert for Yass, Bowning and Binalong10 August 202020 August 2020Lifted
Snowy Monaro Regional Council Boil water alert for Jindabyne, Leesville, Lakewood, The Station Resort, and the High Country10 August 202017 August 2020Lifted
Bega Valley Shire CouncilBoil water alert for Brogo-Bermagui6 August 202019 August 2020Lifted
Upper Hunter Shire Council Scone boil water notice extended to Aberdeen and Murrurundi31 July 2020

Murrurundi 4 August 2020, Aberdeen 12 August 2020

Upper Hunter Shire Council Boil water notice for Scone28 July 202012 August 2020Lifted
Jenolan Caves TrustBoil water notice for Jenolan Caves13 February 20202 June 2020Lifted
Cabonne Council Boil water notice for Molong1 May 20207 May 2020Lifted
Uralla Shire Council

Do not drink notice for Uralla supply

18 December 201927 April 2020Lifted
Upper Hunter Shire Council Boil water notice for Scone and Murrurundi 13 March 202019 March 2020Lifted
Walgett Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Collarenebri18 February 202021 February 2020Lifted
Singleton CouncilBoil water notice for parts of Singleton10 February 202017 February 2020Lifted
Dubbo Regional Council Boil water notice for Wellington5 February 202025 March 2020Lifted
Dubbo Regional Council Boil water notice for Geurie30 January 202025 February 2020Lifted
Uralla Shire Council Boil water notice for Bundarra7 January 202021 February 2020Lifted
Narrabri Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Narrabri9 February 202013 February 2020Lifted
Bega Valley Shire Council Boil water notice for Bemboka31 December 201914 February 2020Lifted
Liverpool Plains Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Wallabadah28 January 202031 January 2020Lifted
Gwydir Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Bingara23 January 202030 January 2020Lifted
Snowy Valleys CouncilBoil water notice for Tumbarumba3 January 202026 January 2020Lifted
Eurobodalla Shire Council Boil water notice for Moruya and south to Tilba5 January 20208 January 2020Lifted
Snowy Valleys CouncilBoil water notice for Talbingo7 January 2020
10 January 2020Lifted
Snowy Valleys CouncilBoil water notice for Batlow3 January 202022 January 2020Lifted
Snowy Valleys CouncilBoil water notice for Adelong5 January 20207 January 2020Lifted
Bega Valley Shire Council Boil water notice for Eden and Boydtown5 January 202013 January 2020Lifted
Bega Valley Shire Council Boil water notice for Brogo-Bermagui supply31 December 201921 January 2020Lifted
Lismore City Council Lismore City Council- Boil water notice for Nimbin supply rural customersDecember 2019Lifted
Mid-Western Regional Council Boil water notice for MudgeeNovember 2019Lifted
Tenterfield Shire Council Boil water notice for TenterfieldOctober 2019Lifted
Jenolan Caves TrustBoil water notice for Jenolan CavesSeptember 2019Lifted
Walgett Shire Council Boil water notice for WalgettAugust 2019Lifted
Snowy Valleys CouncilBoil water notice for TumbarumbaFebruary 2019Lifted
Uralla Shire Council Boil water notice for BundarraJanuary 2019Lifted
Warrumbungle Shire Council Boil water notice for CoolahJanuary 2019Lifted
Snowy Valleys Council Boil water notice for CloverdaleDecember 2018Lifted
Coonamble Shire Council Boil water notice for QuamboneNovember 2018Lifted
Jenolan Caves TrustBoil water notice for Jenolan CavesOctober 2018Lifted
Walgett Shire Council Boil water notice for Lightning RidgeJuly 2018Lifted
Gunnedah Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Tambar SpringsMarch 2018Lifted
The Council of the Shire of Bourke Boil water notice for Enngonia non-potable supplyJanuary 2018Lifted
Cowra Council Non potable water notice for WyangalaSeptember 2017In place
Warrumbungle Shire Council Boil water notice for MendooranJune 2017Lifted
Walgett Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Lightning RidgeApril 2017Lifted
Walgett Shire CouncilBoil water notice for Collarenebri filtered supplyApril 2017Lifted
Tweed Shire Council Boil water notice for south MurwillumbahMarch 2017Lifted
Tweed Shire Council Boil water notice for UkiMarch 2017Lifted
Lismore City Council Boil water notice for Nimbin rural supplyMarch 2017Lifted
Murrumbidgee Council Boil water notice for Darlington Point systemMarch 2017Lifted
Bega Valley Shire Council Boil water notice for Brogo River SystemMarch 2017Lifted
Jubullum Jubullum boil water noticeNovember 2016Lifted
Gwydir Shire Council Boil water notice for GravesendNovember 2016Lifted
Moree Plains Shire Council Boil water notice for ToomelahNovember 2016Lifted
Tamworth Regional Council

Hunter New England Health FAQs-Uranium in drinking water

Uranium Expert Panel Minutes

October 2016Historic
Dubbo Regional Council Boil water notice for north DubboNovember 2016Lifted
Walgett Shire Council Boil water notice for Walgett filtered supplyAugust 2016Lifted
Bega Valley Shire Council Boil water notice for Brogo River SystemJune 2016Lifted
Bega Valley Shire Council Boil water notice for Brogo River SystemJanuary 2016Lifted
MidCoast Water Gloucester chlorine overdoseMarch 2015Lifted
Essential Water South Broken Hill boil water alertJanuary 2015Lifted
Jenolan Caves TrustBoil water alertJanuary 2015Lifted
Cowra Shire CouncilBoil water alertNovember 2014Lifted
Walgett Shire Council Boil and conserve water alertApril 2014Lifted
Sydney Water Campbelltown, Narellan, Prestons, Macarthur and Camden areas conserve water noticeMarch 2014Lifted
Jenolan Caves TrustBoil water alertMarch 2014Lifted
Upper Hunter Shire Murrurundi do not drink noticeFebruary 2014Lifted
Oberon Shire Council Oberon boil water alertFebruary 2014Lifted
Central Darling Shire Council Wilcannia boil water alertFebruary 2014Lifted
Jenolan Caves TrustJenolan Caves and Binda Cabins boil water alertFebruary 2014Lifted
City of LithgowWallerarang boil water alertDecember 2013Lifted
Snowy River Shire CouncilJindabyne fluoride dosing incidentDecember 2013Lifted
Walgett Shire CouncilGingie boil water alertOctober 2013Lifted
Jenolan Caves TrustJenolan Caves and Binda Cabins boil water alertJuly 2013Lifted
Bathurst Regional Council Boil water alertJune 2013Lifted
Clarence Valley Council Lower Clarence boil water alertMay 2013Lifted
Brewarrina Shire CouncilGoodooga boil water alertApril 2013Lifted
Mallabaugilmah Mallabaugilmah boil water alertMarch 2013Lifted
Clarence Valley CouncilMinnie Waters boil water alertFebruary and March 2013Lifted
Clarence Valley CouncilAshby boil water alertFebruary 2013Lifted
JubullumBoil water alert for JubullumJanuary 2013Lifted

Current as at: Tuesday 23 January 2024
Contact page owner: Environmental Health