Counterfeit (fake) diazepam from illicit sources has been found to contain other drugs (bromazolam, paracetamol and caffeine)

Last updated: 16 May 2024


Photos of some of the counterfeit diazepam found in NSW. These fake tablets look like the Australian registered diazepam brand 'Antenex', with off-white tablets marked “DM | 5" with “G" on the reverse.


These fake tablets are similar to overseas brands of diazepam - yellow tablets marked “DAN | 5619" on one side and “5" on the reverse.

Know the risks

Counterfeit diazepam ('Valium') tablets may:

  • Look the same as genuine local or overseas brands of diazepam.
  • Contain more dangerous novel benzodiazepines, such as bromazolam.
  • Contain no benzodiazepines. Some tablets tested contained paracetamol and caffeine.
  • Be poorly manufactured, with strengths varying widely in the same batch.

Taking counterfeit diazepam can cause serious harm. The risk of harm is higher if you:

  • Take tablets not purchased at a pharmacy as they are more likely to be fake.
  • Take a higher dose.
  • Use drugs alone.
  • Use with other drugs (for example alcohol, opioids, ketamine, or GHB).
  • Use a new batch.

Fake tablets appearing similar to other benzodiazepines such as alprazolam ('Xanax' and 'Mylan') remain in circulation.

Effects to look out for

  • Difficulty speaking or walking, drowsiness, loss of consciousness, slow breathing/snoring and skin turning blue.

If you see or experience these, get help immediately.

Getting help

If you or your friends see the warning signs of overdose:

  • Seek help immediately from your nearest emergency department or call Triple Zero (000). You won't get into trouble for seeking medical care.
  • Start CPR if someone is not breathing.

Support and advice

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Current as at: Thursday 16 May 2024