Increases in severe overdoses from cocaine found to contain opioids (including heroin)


Further intensive care admissions and deaths have occurred within inner Sydney following an alert issued in May 2021.

Use of these drugs can be life-threatening.


Know the risks

  • Opioids can cause unexpected, rapid and life-threatening overdose, even with the amounts contained in a single line of powder.
  • You are at increased risk of overdose if you:
    • Don’t use opioids regularly
    • Use a high dose
    • Use with other sedatives e.g. alcohol, benzodiazepines, ketamine, GHB, or other opioids
    • Use drugs alone.

Effects to look out for

  • Serious adverse effects may include loss of consciousness, slow/difficult breathing and skin turning blue.
  • Be on the lookout for unexpected symptoms, such as drowsiness following use of a stimulant (e.g. cocaine).

Getting help

If you see the warning signs of overdose:

  • Seek help immediately from your nearest emergency department or call Triple Zero (000).
  • Start CPR if someone is not breathing.
  • Use naloxone if you have it. Call '000' even if naloxone has been given.

Support and advice

For free and confidential advice

Take home naloxone program

  • As well as people who use opioids, people who use cocaine should also consider carrying naloxone. Naloxone is an important life-saving medication that reverses the effects of opioids. It is does not require a prescription and is free for anyone at risk of opioid overdose in NSW. It is available as a nasal spray or injection from some pharmacies and other health services.
  • For participating locations and more information on take-home naloxone visit Your Room - Take Home Naloxone

Call '000' even if naloxone has been administered. Repeat doses may be required.

Current as at: Wednesday 23 June 2021