
The Post-Custodial Support Program is not a crisis service. If you are experiencing an emergency and need immediate help, please call Triple Zero (000).

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About the program

The Post-Custodial Support (PCS) Program helps people who've been released from custody manage any difficulties arising from the use of alcohol and other drugs.​

PCS provides integrated case management, help for people who want to get into treatment for drug and alcohol use as well as offering support for other issues that can affect health and wellbeing. These include medical issues, mental health, accessing employment or Centrelink and making community connections.

The types of case management support can include:

  • individual and group AOD counselling
  • peer support from someone with lived experience of drugs and alcohol or being in custody
  • assistance with getting Centrelink or other government services
  • help getting connected with a GP and other health specialists, like a dentist or a mental health counsellor.

Planning care is done with the person getting support and, if they wish, family, partners or a friend can be involved too.

The program is voluntary and the person will set their own goals about substance use such as stopping or reducing use or staying safe. During the program, the person will still need to follow any post-release legal obligations like parole conditions, which might include staying off drugs or alcohol.

Who can apply for support?

People are able to apply for the Post-Custodial Support Program if they:

  • ​would like support to manage their use of alcohol and/or other drugs
  • are due for release from custody within ​3 months or have been released within the last 4 weeks.

When will support start?​​

Assessment and care planning can normally ​begin as early 3 months before the person's release date, if they've applied for support while in custody. Support workers will usually be able to visit the facility where the person is, until they are released.

Support is generally provided up to 12 months post-release via the program, depending on the individual's circumstances.

Where is the program delivered?​

NSW Health has partnered with leading non-government organisations to deliver the Post-Custodial Support Program in five regions in New South Wales. ​​

The Post-Custodial Support Program is a new program, so there may be limited information on the website of each provider at this time. Please contact the organisation directly if yo​u have any questions.​

Can't find a suitable service provider​? Please look at other programs to find out about related support programs, including for the Greater Sydney Area.

​How to apply

What you need to know before applying

Useful information to understand before ap​plying is that​:

  • submitting this form does not guarantee automatic acceptance into the selected program
  • if a service provider is experiencing high demand, the individual could be placed on a waitlist.

This Post-Custodial Support Program referral form sends referrals to service providers that deliver the Post-Custodial Support Program. 

The NSW Health will collect the information you place into this form to share it with the selected Post-Custodial Support Program Provider. 

By submitting this form, you agree to the NSW Health sharing the information provided with the selected service provider on your behalf, or on behalf or the person you are referring.  

If you are making a referral on behalf of someone else please ensure they are made aware of how their information will be shared and agree to the referral. 

 Some of the questions in the referral form are optional, while others are not. If you do not complete the mandatory information, the NSW Health will not be able to make the referral to your selected Post-Custodial Support Program Provider. However, you can still organise a referral by contacting the Provider directly.

For enquiries related to requesting access to information held by NSW Health please contact, moh-caod-sci-pcs@health.nsw.gov.au.

To apply for support, please complete the Post-Custodial Support Program referral form. Alternatively, you can call or email the organisation you'd like to apply for support from.

Complete the referral form​​


Other support programs

Is the Post-Custodial Support Program​ not right for you? There are some ​​​other organisations supporting people with the use of alcohol and other drugs post-release​.​

Learn more​​

Current as at: Thursday 30 January 2025