NSW Single Front Door Program: Information for Local Health Districts and Specialty Networks

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​​NSW Health’s Single Front Door Program aims is to efficiently connect people with the care they need, close to home or virtually, safely diverting avoidable ED demand.

Accessing the right care quickly also enhances the experience of care, and utilising virtual care modalities can increase equity of access and reduce inconvenience. The entry point or ‘single front door’ for the people of NSW is through health​​direct.

Healthdirect is a government-funded service that provides health information and advice by phone 1800 022 222. People can also access health information, complete a self-triage​​​ and find services​​​ online at healthdirect or by using the healthdirect app​​​.

People who call healthdirect are assessed by a registered nurse, and connected to the most appropriate care for them, wherever they are in NSW.  ​

​​What is the NSW Health Single Front Door Program?​​

​​The NSW Health Single Front Door program is a key enabler that connects people with urgent, unplanned care needs to the right care through one point of phone-based nurse assessment, triage, and referral. Delivered with healthdirect, the program leverages the capability gained during COVID-19, with centralised access to virtual primary care and anti-viral prescribing. ​

Depending on need, people who call healthdirect can be linked with primary care, or an urgent or virtual model of care developed to support acute episodic healthcare needs outside of Emergency Departments (ED). Where appropriate, low-acuity callers are guided to primary care. NSW alternative care pathways include face to face GP-led NSW urgent care services, the state-wide NSW virtualKIDS​ specialist paediatric urgent care service and the virtualGP service, in addition to local GPs, Medicare Urgent Care Clinics and other healthcare providers. If emergency care is needed, callers are directed to ED or transferred to Triple Zero.

Phased implementation of the Single Front Door began in late 2022 and referral pathways continue to expand, with additional urgent care service sites and models of care planned.

What happens when a person calls healthdirect?​

​People in NSW can call healthdirect via a dedicated phone line 1800 022 222, operational 24/7. Registered nurses answer every call. They assess callers’ symptoms, discuss and recommend suitable care options, book appointments (where available), and provide interim care advice. An event summary is forwarded to the caller’s nominated GP, and for patients attending NSW health operated services, clinical triage information is sent by secure message to assist care. If people are calling to find a GP urgently, the virtualGP service may be offered.

​​How accessible is the ‘single front door’ service through healthdirect?

24/7 Availability: The healthdirect service is accessible around the clock, providing continuous support to patients.

Multilingual Support: The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) is available for non-English speakers, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility.

​Accessibility for All: The National Relay Service supports individuals with hearing or speech difficulties, facilitating seamless communication with healthdirect.

What impact is the NSW Single Front Door Program having?

In 2023 over 400,000 calls were taken through the Single Front Door/healthdirect and over 315,000 people were assessed and triaged. Nearly half of callers who initially intended to visit the ED were assessed and successfully redirected to non-hospital healthcare services.

​​Collaboration and feedback

LHDs are encouraged to collaborate with the NSW Single Front Door Program to enhance service delivery and patient care. Continuous feedback mechanisms ensure the system evolves in response to healthcare needs.

For further information on integrating the NSW Single Front Door initiative within your Local Health District, please contact MOH-SingleFrontDoor.nsw.gov.au​

Current as at: Wednesday 22 May 2024