Accessing services
An appointment will be required for most services. Please phone your local TB service to make an appointment.
Interpreter services
NSW TB services can access trained telephone and on-site interpreters to assist clients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Please inform your TB service if you would prefer to use the interpreter service when communicating with your healthcare providers.
Changing appointments
If you are unable to keep an appointment, please inform the TB service so the time can be given to someone who needs an urgent appointment. Another suitable date and time can be arranged for you.
Delays to appointment times
Every effort will be made to see you at your appointment time but there may be occasions when this is not possible due to reasons beyond our control, such as if the doctor is called away from the clinic for an emergency.
Services in your home
Some patients receiving treatment for TB may be eligible for home visits by the TB nurse. If so, the nurse will advise you of when to expect a home visit. Please inform the nurse in advance if you will not be home at the arranged time. Please note there may be times when a home visit is not possible due to other commitments.
Staff security
The security and safety of our staff is important to us. NSW Health has a zero-tolerance approach to threatening, abusive or violent behaviour by any person.
We ask for your co-operation in helping to make sure our staff can visit your home safely, by restraining any animals and clearing any obstacles or trip hazards.
Referral letters
A referral from your General Practitioner (GP) or other health provider is not required.
Fees and Medicare requirements
Most TB services are provided free of charge. Some exceptions may apply. Check with your local TB service.
You may be asked for your Medicare card at the clinic for administrative purposes, however a Medicare card is NOT needed for any service provided within a NSW TB service.