The debrief report As one system: The NSW Health system's response to COVID-19 was published in May 2023 and NSW Health committed to publicly reporting on progress of the 59 recommendations and actions in the report in November 2023. Common themes emerged in the As one system recommendations and actions and these were grouped into a simplified reporting structure to a total of 35 recommendations/actions being reported on.
The key aim for emergency management is for preparedness to be treated as a permanent priority in business as usual and key emergency management and pandemic policy reviews have been completed or underway to re-enforce this key aim.
Emergency preparedness is ongoing, so progress is noted as actioned and on-going (embedded in business as usual) or in progress, rather than marked as complete.
The goals outlined in the report are:
The key actions outlined in the report are:
Progress reporting will continue in 2025, with another progress report to be published in November 2025.