Staff profile - South Eastern Sydney LHD Environmental Health Team

​A team from South Eastern Sydney Local Health District's (SESLHD) Public Health Unit, has advised more than 521 businesses about safe operating practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.

SESLHD Public Health Unit Director Professor Mark Ferson, said the Environmental Health Team has been providing face-to-face education and support to business owners trying to operate safely during the pandemic.

'It's a different kind of front-line health work - Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) are experts in preventive health. Our job is to prevent people getting sick and requiring hospitalisation,' Prof Ferson said.

Businesses should have a COVID-19 Safety Plan detailing how they will address staff and customer wellbeing, physical distancing, customer registration and cleaning and hygiene.

The EHOs have visited gyms, beauticians, massage parlours, nail salons, art galleries, cinemas and major sports venues. They work closely with other agencies such as the Office of Liquor and Gaming, and NSW Police.

Businesses that are required by law to have a COVID Safety Plan, can find information and templates on NSW Government - COVID Safe.

Other businesses should develop their own plans, even if not required to do so.

Having a reliable register of staff and customers who have been present in the premises, is vitally important in the event that someone who has been there is diagnosed with COVID-19

'In addition to these measures, we are strongly encouraging hospitality workers to wear masks as they have contact with many people and may not be able to physically distance.

'Control of the COVID-19 pandemic requires a strong, collective, community response.

'We thank those in the community who are doing their best and we encourage them to keep going,' Prof Ferson said.

Current as at: Thursday 12 November 2020
Contact page owner: Health Protection NSW