Nurses share vax clinic expertise in Bega

Skilled nurses from the Liverpool Vaccination Clinic, are sharing their expertise in Bega - in regional NSW - and assisting in the roll-out of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to southern parts of the state.

The trained immunisers have been travelling to Southern NSW Local Health District (SNSWLHD) to help establish an outreach clinic at South East Regional Hospital in Bega, using the expertise from the Liverpool Vaccination Clinic, which opened on 22 February.

Their roles include giving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine to frontline healthcare workers and training staff in vaccinations using the skills they have gained in Liverpool.

Registered nurse Jo Barrie, said, she had no hesitation in being part of the vaccine roll-out in Liverpool and now Bega.

'It's a unique time in history and it's a huge privilege to be involved in immunising people so we can protect the community and keep everyone safe,' Ms Barrie said.

'The staff in Bega have been so welcoming. There is a wonderful sense of teamwork with all of the healthcare workers because we are all in this together for the common good.

'They are grateful to have our expertise and to learn about what we have been doing because the Liverpool Vaccination Clinic has been running smoothly and efficiently.'

Clinical Nurse Consultant Valerie Heathcote, has also been training staff to open additional vaccination clinics in regional areas including Cooma.

'I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to help in a meaningful way,' she said.

'We can fight to prevent COVID generally and support southern NSW.

'I have met many people who are still hurting from the bushfires last year, yet they have been so welcoming and enthusiastic. They know we care and the rest of Sydney cares about them.

Current as at: Thursday 22 April 2021
Contact page owner: Health Protection NSW