Public Health Orders - Information for disability support providers and people with disability

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Information for people with disability


NSW Health has issued Public Health Orders to protect the community and limit the spread of COVID-19.

The terms ‘disability facility’ or ‘aged care facility’ are not defined in the Order. In the absence of a definition, it has its ordinary meaning.


Easy Read resource: Public Health Orders - Easy Read

Household visits


Up to 50 people can visit a household, however NSW Health strongly recommends having no more than 30 visitors at a time if there is no outdoor area. Visitors should remain 1.5m apart where practicable.

A person is not counted as a visitor if they are at the household:

  • to engage in work
  • for childcare
  • to fulfil carers’ responsibilities
  • to provide care or assistance (including personal care) to a vulnerable person.
  • to avoid an injury or illness or to escape a risk of harm
  • because of an emergency or for compassionate reasons


Do not participate in a gathering in a public place of more than 50 people. 

Exceptions to this include:

  • a gathering of persons all of whom are members of the same household (meaning any persons living together in the same place of residence – such as a group home)
  • a gathering of persons for the purposes of work (including work at disability facilities)
  • a gathering to provide care or assistance to a vulnerable person (such as a person with disability).

Gatherings at disability facilities


A gathering at a disability facility that is necessary for the normal business of the facility is exempt from:

  • The 20 person gathering rule (i.e. gatherings in a public place limited to 20 people, with exceptions)
  • The 4 square metre rule (i.e. in a place that may remain open to the public, occupiers and operators of the premises (indoor and outdoor) must allow at least 4 square metres of space for each person on the premises).  

Disability services

Disability support providers must take steps to prevent, control and manage the individual and public health risks associated with COVID-19 as they deliver supports to people with disability through this time:

  • Providers delivering supports in a person’s home must refer to public health guidelines in the context of group accommodation, supported independent living and residential settings. NDIS registered service providers must also refer to the guidelines published by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
  • Providers delivering supports in the community must do so in a way that manages the risk of exposure to COVID-19 including by using alternatives to face-to-face service delivery. The NDIA and NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission has published advice for providers on some ways to do this
  • NDIS providers must notify the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission of substantial changes to supports as a result of COVID-19. Enquiries to the NDIS Commission can be made via telephone on 1800 035 544.

Centre-based activities for people with disability


The Orders do not prevent the use of premises to provide a service to assist vulnerable people, for example, day activities that assist vulnerable people.

A gathering for the purpose of providing care or assistance to a vulnerable person is exempt from the 20 person gathering rule. Similarly, a gathering at a disability facility that is necessary for the normal business of the facility is also exempt from the 20 person gathering rule.


More information

Current as at: Tuesday 1 December 2020
Contact page owner: Health Protection NSW